- Android Generic项目让定制ROM在PC上更容易安装
- Android Auto获得更新 彻底改变了设置菜单使之更容易体验
- Android UI开发框架Jetpack Compose进入Alpha测试阶段
- 重要变更 | Android 11 中的软件包可见性
- Android 中的卡顿丢帧原因概述 - 方法论
- Android Material 组件 1.2.0 现已发布
- 在 View 上使用挂起函数 | 实战
- Android 样式系统 | 主题背景属性
- Showkase
an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements
- dslint
A lightweight Android linter for Kotlin DSL aimed to solve the problem of verifying mandatory DSL attributes at compile time.
- StatusNavigationTransparent
- lint-rules
Lint rules for android. Checked Exceptions for kotlin.
- otpview
A lightweight, highly customizable and reliable OTP input field for Android
- MultiLanguages
android multi language support (support android O+)
- CanvasX
脱离Android模拟器,在Java程序中使用Android下的Canvas、Paint、Bitmap等Graphics类(提取自Android Studio)
- CoLocation
? Coroutines Location APIs Library for Android and Kotlin
- MaterialTimelineView
With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.
- libaums
Open source library to access USB Mass Storage devices on Android without rooting your device
- TimeLineView
A simple Timeline View that demonstrates the power of ConstraintLayout and RecyclerView. No drawing, just plug in and play.
- RxPay
- DropdownTextView
Simple drop-down(expandable) TextView for Android
- databinding-recycler-adapter
A universal RecyclerView.Adapter based on Android's DataBinding
- OnBoardingScreen
create animated onboarding or welcome screen with MotionLayout
- CacheX
A feasible caching library for Android
- SkeletonLoadingView
SkeletonLoadingView(Shimmer) with Kotlin in Android??
- LiveChart
Android library to draw beautiful and rich charts.
- DocumentReader
This library reads word documents (.doc and .docx), txt and PDF files, and gives the output content of the document as a String.
- GraphView
A simple graph library unlike other available libraries in the graph drawing arena.
- handle-path-oz
Android Library to handle multiple Uri's(paths) received through Intents.
- TemplateAndServer
- Kotlin-Espresso-sample
MVP Android project that uses Espresso instrumentation tests and Robolectric. All written in Kotlin.
- Resplash
Unofficial Unsplash Android App
- fenix
Firefox for Android
- orgzly-android
Outliner for taking notes and managing to-do lists
- hiya-hiya-hiya
Whatsapp Clone base on Firebase Cloud Messaging
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