

我的 Component 里有一个 selectedPane 字段(第56行),作为数据源显示在 div 标签里(代码第47行):

代码第 51 行,我使用 @ViewChild 这个 query,将第 45 行的 div 元素,查询出来并通过 52 行的 set 函数,赋给 this.selectedPane.


ERROR Error: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: ''. Current value: 'undefined'.


从调试器里能看出,旧的 value 是 "", 新的 value 是 undefined,因此抛出异常:

if (ngDevMode && isInCheckNoChangesMode()) {
            // View engine didn't report undefined values as changed on the first checkNoChanges pass
            // (before the change detection was run).
            const oldValueToCompare = oldValue !== NO_CHANGE ? oldValue : undefined;
            if (!devModeEqual(oldValueToCompare, value)) {
                const details = getExpressionChangedErrorDetails(lView, bindingIndex, oldValueToCompare, value);
                throwErrorIfNoChangesMode(oldValue === NO_CHANGE, details.oldValue, details.newValue, details.propName);
            // There was a change, but the `devModeEqual` decided that the change is exempt from an error.
            // For this reason we exit as if no change. The early exit is needed to prevent the changed
            // value to be written into `LView` (If we would write the new value that we would not see it
            // as change on next CD.)
            return false;

这个错误在 Angular 官网的这个视频里有详细的解释:

如果在 Angular 框架执行完变更检测之后,再修改属性值,比如在 ngAfterViewInit 或者本文例子的 set 函数里,就会抛出这个异常。


一种 StackOverflow 上经常提到的解决方案就是,使用异步更新, 将值的修改推迟到下一次变更检测周期中执行:

使用 setTimeout 配合延迟为 0 的调用方式,使得这个更新对应的检测,发生在下一次浏览器的宏任务队列中。

采用立即执行的 Promise 可以达到同样的效果:

Promise.resolve().then(() => this.loading false);


另一种解决方案是,在 set 函数里修改了属性值之后,立即手动触发一次 change detection:


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