What is the most helpful feedback you've ever gotten about yourself?

My team lead gave me some critical feedback that I wasn't expecting.
He said he admired my enquiring mind but he hoped that I could ask more clarifying questions.

However, I am so glad that he pointed out a flaw in my communication methods so that I could reevaluate my approach.

His criticism helped me challenge myself and improve my work without requiring me to work longer hours.

Tell me about a time you were new to a situation or environment. How did you adapt?

Once I was transferred to another team temporarily to help them develop a new feature.

At that time, I didn't know too much about the team, their tech stack, and the project they were working on. I knew that I had a lot to learn.

I went for help from team lead, who introduced his team members to me, and I also made sure to ask many questions and take notes about what I learned, reviewing them at the end of each workday. I became familiar with the project, built a good relationship with the team and eventually delivered my work on time.

As a software engineer, you must be both predictable and innovative. How can these traits coexist in your work?

I believe that the balance of predictability and innovation is the foundation of my work as a software engineer.

It's important that I deliver high-quality work within a predictable time frame, but our everyday work requires us to be innovative and continuously develop improved code and features.

From my experience, it is an engineer's ability to balance predictability and innovation that leads to their success and potential to be an effective team member.

What are your organizational strategies?

Over the years, I've found that I perform the best at work when I'm the most organized.

For this reason, I have developed a variety of strategies to make sure that I'm managing my time and projects accordingly.

For example, I use time management applications on my phone that help me stay focused, and I limit multitasking when possible so that I remain concentrated on one task until I fully execute it.

How do you deal with unexpected changes to deadlines?

  • While I was a little nervous about how to complete the task in time,
  • Do / Carry out / Conduct an analysis
  • Asked fellow team members for their advice and learned a new strategy that allowed me to
  • Communicate with team lead