Exp 1:原始策略优化(Vanilla Policy Gradient)
Vanilla adj. 普通的,没有新意的;香草的
主要的训练算法集中在 RL_Trainer.run_training_loop
- 收集多个路线,,获得 train_batch_size 个时刻的数据 存在 replay buffer 中
- 上一步完全结束之后,从 buffer 中采样最近 batch_size 个时刻数据
- 先更新策略
- 再更新 baseline (第一节还不需要)
第一、二步是完全串行的。且通过观察代码实现可知,虽然有 buffer 作数据中转,但 train_batch_size 与 batch_size 定义为相等,每次训练的数据都是上次模型更新之后的。因此依然是 On-Policy RL。
第一部分主要需要补全 PGAgent.train
,这一函数又牵扯到计算 总收益 Q,以及 policy update
两种 \( \hat{Q} \) 的计算:Reward-to-go or Not
注意这里是 \( \hat{Q} \) (Q-hat),是 单个蒙特卡洛采样路径的收益值,而不是 Q-learning 中神经网络给出的 状态-动作对 的预测价值。
Reward-to-go 就是考虑因果的 Q 值,t 时间点的的 Q 不考虑 t 之前时间点的收益。
不考虑因果的:求和即可,每个位置的值都和时刻 t 无关,都是一样的。
################## HELPER FUNCTIONS #################
def _discounted_return(self, rewards):
Helper function
Input: list of rewards {r_0, r_1, ..., r_t', ... r_T} from a single rollout of length T
Output: list where each index t contains sum_{t'=0}^T gamma^t' r_{t'}
discounted_sum, discount = 0, 1
for rr in rewards:
discounted_sum += discount * rr
discount *= self.gamma
return [discounted_sum for i in range(len(rewards))]
考虑 Reward-to-go 的:使用迭代的办法
$$ \begin{align} \hat{Q}_{t}&=\sum_{t'=t}^{T} \gamma^{t'-t} * r_{t'}\\ &=\sum_{t'=t+1}^{T} \gamma^{t'-t} * r_{t'}+r_{t}\\ &=\gamma\sum_{t'=t+1}^{T} \gamma^{t'-t-1} * r_{t'}+r_{t}\\ &=\hat{Q}_{t+1}+r_{t} \end{align} $$
而 已知:
$$\hat{Q}_{T}=\sum_{t'=T}^{T} \gamma^{t'-T} * r_{t'}=r_{T}$$
def _discounted_cumsum(self, rewards):
Helper function which
-takes a list of rewards {r_0, r_1, ..., r_t', ... r_T},
-and returns a list where the entry in each index t is sum_{t'=t}^T gamma^(t'-t) * r_{t'}
(For Reward-to-go)
rtg_discounted_q = rewards.copy()
for i in range(len(rtg_discounted_q)-2, -1, -1):
rtg_discounted_q[i] = self.gamma * (rtg_discounted_q[i+1]) + rewards[i]
return rtg_discounted_q
策略更新(Policy Updating)
策略优化的数学本质是:通过调整 策略概率模型 的分布,最大化收益的期望值 。
但通过使用 对数求导 的数学技巧,策略优化目标函数从结果上讲,可以认为是 策略对数概率 的加权平均 ,而权重是 收益值之和。因此收益越高的决策权重越大。(当然这是感性认识,而不是数学本质)
$$\nabla_{\theta} J(\theta) \approx \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \nabla_{\theta} \log \pi_{\theta}\left(\mathbf{a}_{i, t} \mid \mathbf{s}_{i, t}\right) \hat{Q}_{i, t}^{\pi}$$
class MLPPolicyPG(MLPPolicy):
def __init__(self, ac_dim, ob_dim, n_layers, size, **kwargs):
super().__init__(ac_dim, ob_dim, n_layers, size, **kwargs)
self.baseline_loss = nn.MSELoss()
def update(self, observations, actions, advantages, q_values=None):
observations = ptu.from_numpy(observations)
actions = ptu.from_numpy(actions)
advantages = ptu.from_numpy(advantages)
observations, actions, advantages = ptu.from_numpy(observations), ptu.from_numpy(actions), ptu.from_numpy(advantages)
action_distribution = self.forward(observations)
log_probs = action_distribution.log_prob(actions)
loss = -torch.mul(log_probs, advantages).mean()
if self.nn_baseline:
pass # omitted
train_log = {
'Training Loss': ptu.to_numpy(loss),
return train_log
Exp 2:Neural Network Baselines
Critic 模型用作 Baseline 或者 Critic
这届内容实际是在 Actor-Critic 章节的课程才讲的 ()
Critic 模型指的是一个学习器(比如神经网络),输入是状态(或再加上动作),输出是这个状态(或 状态-动作 对)的价值。
这一节中虽然存在 Critic 神经网络模型,但它是作为 Baseline 使用,所以依然是 Policy Gradient,而不是 Actor-Critic。分辨的原则是,PG 在策略更新中 Advantage 值的 被减数 依然是蒙特卡洛采样 \( \hat{Q} \)
Baseline 模型训练
如上文思路,虽然有 buffer 作数据中转,但 train_batch_size 与 batch_size 定义为相等,每次训练的数据都是上次更新之后的。
因此,buffer 只是表象,本质上还是 On-policy RL。On-Policy 假设成立。
Baseline 模型的训练思路是 函数估计:神经网络的特征抽取和拟合能力,使得它能够识别出不同但相似的状态,从而采取相似的决策。
这种可以认为是 蒙特卡洛法的延申解释。传统蒙特卡洛法需要在 完全相同 的输入上多次采样( \( V^{\pi}\left(\mathbf{s}_{t}\right) \approx \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{t^{\prime}=t}^{T} r\left(\mathbf{s}_{t^{\prime}}, \mathbf{a}_{t^{\prime}}\right) \) ),这在大部分的 强化学习环境都是不可能的。
当然这里还额外考虑了 收益的时间递减。
class MLPPolicyPG(MLPPolicy):
def __init__(self, ac_dim, ob_dim, n_layers, size, **kwargs):
super().__init__(ac_dim, ob_dim, n_layers, size, **kwargs)
self.baseline_loss = nn.MSELoss()
def update(self, observations, actions, advantages, q_values=None):
# Updating Policy (omitted)
if self.nn_baseline:
## TODO: update the neural network baseline using the q_values as
## targets. The q_values should first be normalized to have a mean
## of zero and a standard deviation of one.
## Note: You will need to convert the targets into a tensor using
## ptu.from_numpy before using it in the loss
assert q_values is not None
q_values = ptu.from_numpy(q_values) if isinstance(q_values, np.ndarray) else q_values
q_mean, q_std = torch.mean(q_values), torch.std(q_values)
q_values = (q_values - q_mean).divide(q_std)
values = self.baseline(observations)
print(values.shape, q_values.shape)
b_loss = self.baseline_loss(values, q_values)
train_log = {
'Training Loss': ptu.to_numpy(loss),
return train_log
引入 Baselines
def estimate_advantage(self, obs: np.ndarray, rews_list: np.ndarray, q_values: np.ndarray, terminals: np.ndarray):
Computes advantages by (possibly) using GAE, or subtracting a baseline from the estimated Q values
# Estimate the advantage when nn_baseline is True,
# by querying the neural network that you're using to learn the value function
if self.nn_baseline:
values_unnormalized = self.actor.run_baseline_prediction(obs)
## ensure that the value predictions and q_values have the same dimensionality
## to prevent silent broadcasting errors
assert values_unnormalized.ndim == q_values.ndim
## TODO: values were trained with standardized q_values, so ensure
## that the predictions have the same mean and standard deviation as
## the current batch of q_values
values = values_unnormalized * q_values.std() + q_values.mean()
batch_size = obs.shape[0]
if self.gae_lambda is not None:
pass # TODO
## TODO: compute advantage estimates using q_values, and values as baselines
advantages = np.zeros(batch_size)
for i in range(batch_size):
advantages[i] = q_values[i] - values[i]
# Else, just set the advantage to [Q]
advantages = q_values.copy()
# Normalize the resulting advantages to have a mean of zero
# and a standard deviation of one
if self.standardize_advantages:
ad_mean, ad_std = np.average(advantages), np.std(advantages)
advantages = (advantages - ad_mean) / ad_std
return advantages
Exp 3:GAE
def estimate_advantage(self, obs: np.ndarray, rews_list: np.ndarray, q_values: np.ndarray, terminals: np.ndarray):
Computes advantages by (possibly) using GAE, or subtracting a baseline from the estimated Q values
# Estimate the advantage when nn_baseline is True,
# by querying the neural network that you're using to learn the value function
if self.nn_baseline:
values_unnormalized = self.actor.run_baseline_prediction(obs)
assert values_unnormalized.ndim == q_values.ndim
values = values_unnormalized * q_values.std() + q_values.mean()
batch_size = obs.shape[0]
if self.gae_lambda is not None:
## append a dummy T+1 value for simpler recursive calculation
values = np.append(values, [0])
## combine rews_list into a single array
rews = np.concatenate(rews_list)
## create empty numpy array to populate with GAE advantage
## estimates, with dummy T+1 value for simpler recursive calculation
advantages = np.zeros(batch_size + 1)
flatten_rews = np.concatenate(rews_list)
for i in reversed(range(batch_size)):
## TODO: recursively compute advantage estimates starting from
## timestep T.
## HINT: use terminals to handle edge cases. terminals[i]
## is 1 if the state is the last in its trajectory, and
## 0 otherwise.
if terminals[i]:
advantages[i] = flatten_rews[i] - values[i]
delta = flatten_rews[i] + self.gamma * values[i+1] - values[i]
advantages[i] = delta + self.gamma * advantages[i+1]
advantages = np.zeros(batch_size)
for i in range(batch_size):
advantages[i] = q_values[i] - values[i]
advantages = q_values.copy()
# Normalize the resulting advantages to have a mean of zero
# and a standard deviation of one
if self.standardize_advantages:
ad_mean, ad_std = np.average(advantages), np.std(advantages)
advantages = (advantages - ad_mean) / ad_std
return advantages
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