PolarDB-X 为了方便用户体验,提供了免费的实验环境,您可以在实验环境里体验 PolarDB-X 的安装部署和各种内核特性。除了免费的实验,PolarDB-X 也提供免费的视频课程,手把手教你玩转 PolarDB-X 分布式数据库。
1.1 执行如下命令,安装Docker。
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | bash -s docker --mirror Aliyun
1.2 执行如下命令,启动Docker。
systemctl start docker
2.1 执行如下命令,下载kubectl文件。
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$(curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
2.2 执行如下命令,赋予可执行权限。
chmod +x ./kubectl
2.2. 执行如下命令,移动到系统目录。
mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64 sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
4.1 执行如下命令,下载Helm3。
wget https://labfileapp.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/helm-v3.9.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
4.2 执行如下命令,解压Helm3。
tar -zxvf helm-v3.9.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
4.3 执行如下命令,移动到系统目录。
mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
yum install mysql -y
安装配置参数模板的 PolarDB-X
本步骤将指导您如何创建一个简单的Kubernetes集群并部署PolarDB-X Operator ,使用Operator部署一个完整的配置有参数模板的PolarDB-X集群,详细文档请参考通过Kubernetes安装PolarDB-X 和 配置参数模板 。
minikube是由社区维护的用于快速创建Kubernetes测试集群的工具,适合测试和学习Kubernetes。使用minikube创建的Kubernetes集群可以运行在容器或是虚拟机中,本实验场景以CentOS 7.9上创建Kubernetes为例。
1.1 执行如下命令,新建账号galaxykube,并将galaxykube加入docker组中。
useradd -ms /bin/bash galaxykube usermod -aG docker galaxykube
1.2 执行如下命令,切换到账号galaxykube。
su galaxykube
1.3 执行如下命令,进入到home/galaxykube目录。
1.4 执行如下命令,启动一个minikube。
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 12288 --nodes=3 --image-mirror-country cn --registry-mirror=https://docker.mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn --kubernetes-version 1.23.3
1.5 执行如下命令,使用kubectl查看集群信息。
kubectl cluster-info
2.部署 PolarDB-X Operator。
2.1 执行如下命令,创建一个名为polardbx-operator-system的命名空间。
kubectl create namespace polardbx-operator-system
2.2 执行如下命令,安装PolarDB-X Operator。
helm repo add polardbx https://polardbx-charts.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com helm install --namespace polardbx-operator-system polardbx-operator polardbx/polardbx-operator --version 1.3.0
2.3 执行如下命令,查看PolarDB-X Operator组件的运行情况。
kubectl get pods --namespace polardbx-operator-system
返回结果如下,请您耐心等待2分钟,等待所有组件都进入Running状态,表示PolarDB-X Operator已经安装完成。
3.1 执行如下命令,创建parameter-template.yaml。
vim parameter-template.yaml
3.2 按i键进入编辑模式,将如下代码复制到文件中,然后按ECS退出编辑模式,输入:wq后按下Enter键保存并退出。
apiVersion: polardbx.aliyun.com/v1
kind: PolarDBXParameterTemplate
name: test
name: cnTemplate
- defaultValue: 05:00
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[00:00|01:00|02:00|03:00|04:00|05:00|06:00|07:00|08:00|09:00|10:00|11:00|12:00|13:00|14:00|15:00|16:00|17:00|18:00|19:00|20:00|21:00|22:00|23:00]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 02:00
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[00:00|01:00|02:00|03:00|04:00|05:00|06:00|07:00|08:00|09:00|10:00|11:00|12:00|13:00|14:00|15:00|16:00|17:00|18:00|19:00|20:00|21:00|22:00|23:00]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '5000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[1000-60000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '30'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[1-60]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '60'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[1-1600]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[-1-8192]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '20'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[0-60]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '512'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[1-8192]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[-1-0]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'true'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'true'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'true'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'true'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'true'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'false'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'true'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'true'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'true'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'true'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '-1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[-1-10000000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'false'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '2'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
optional: '[1-65535]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: SYSTEM
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[SYSTEM|±HH:mm]'
restart: false
unit: TZ
- defaultValue: '28800000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[3600000-86400000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '16777216'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[4194304-33554432]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[-1-8]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '-1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[-1-9223372036854775807]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 00:00-01:00
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: 00:00~23:59
restart: false
- defaultValue: '1000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[1000-900000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '900000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[0-3600000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[0-100]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: REPEATABLE-READ
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '500'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[1-8192]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '32'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[1-8192]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'false'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
optional: '[true|false]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
name: dnTemplate
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: autocommit
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: automatic_sp_privileges
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: auto_increment_increment
optional: '[1-65535]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: auto_increment_offset
optional: '[1-65535]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: avoid_temporal_upgrade
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1048576'
divisibilityFactor: 4096
mode: readwrite
name: binlog_cache_size
optional: '[4096-16777216]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: binlog_order_commits
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: binlog_rows_query_log_events
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: full
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: binlog_row_image
optional: '[full|minimal]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '32768'
divisibilityFactor: 4096
mode: readwrite
name: binlog_stmt_cache_size
optional: '[4096-16777216]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '"aes-128-ecb"'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: block_encryption_mode
optional: '["aes-128-ecb"|"aes-192-ecb"|"aes-256-ecb"|"aes-128-cbc"|"aes-192-cbc"|"aes-256-cbc"]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '4194304'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: bulk_insert_buffer_size
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '2'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: concurrent_insert
optional: '[0|1|2]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '10'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: connect_timeout
optional: '[1-3600]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: default_week_format
optional: '[0-7]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '100'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: delayed_insert_limit
optional: '[1-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '300'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: delayed_insert_timeout
optional: '[1-3600]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: delayed_queue_size
optional: '[1-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: delay_key_write
optional: '[ON|OFF|ALL]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '4'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: div_precision_increment
optional: '[0-30]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: end_markers_in_json
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '200'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: eq_range_index_dive_limit
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: event_scheduler
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: explicit_defaults_for_timestamp
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: flush_time
optional: '[0-31536000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1024'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: group_concat_max_len
optional: '[4-1844674407370954752]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '644'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: host_cache_size
optional: '[0-65535]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: ''''''
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: init_connect
optional: '[''''|''set names utf8mb4''|''set names utf8''|''set default_collation_for_utf8mb4=utf8mb4_general_ci''|''set
default_collation_for_utf8mb4=utf8mb4_general_ci;set names utf8mb4''|''set
names utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci'']'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_adaptive_flushing
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '10'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_adaptive_flushing_lwm
optional: '[0-70]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_adaptive_hash_index
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '150000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay
optional: '[1-1000000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '64'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_autoextend_increment
optional: '[1-1000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '25'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct
optional: '[1-100]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: none
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_change_buffering
optional: '[none|inserts|deletes|changes|purges|all]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '25'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_change_buffer_max_size
optional: '[0-50]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: crc32
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_checksum_algorithm
optional: '[innodb|crc32|none|strict_innodb|strict_crc32|strict_none]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '5'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_compression_failure_threshold_pct
optional: '[0-100]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '6'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_compression_level
optional: '[0-9]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '50'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_compression_pad_pct_max
optional: '[0-70]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '5000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_concurrency_tickets
optional: '[1-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_data_file_purge
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '100'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_data_file_purge_interval
optional: '[0-10000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '128'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_data_file_purge_max_size
optional: '[16-1073741824]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_deadlock_detect
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_disable_sort_file_cache
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit
optional: '[0|1|2]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_flush_neighbors
optional: '[0|1|2]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_flush_sync
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_ft_enable_diag_print
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_ft_enable_stopword
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '2000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_ft_num_word_optimize
optional: '[0-10000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '2000000000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_ft_result_cache_limit
optional: '[1000000-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '20000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_io_capacity
optional: '[0-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '40000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_io_capacity_max
optional: '[0-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '50'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_lock_wait_timeout
optional: '[1-1073741824]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_log_checksums
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_log_compressed_pages
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '8192'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_lru_scan_depth
optional: '[100-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '75'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct
optional: '[0-99]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm
optional: '[0-99]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_max_purge_lag
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_max_purge_lag_delay
optional: '[0-10000000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1073741824'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_max_undo_log_size
optional: '[10485760-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: ''
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_monitor_disable
optional: all
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: ''
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_monitor_enable
optional: all
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '37'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_old_blocks_pct
optional: '[5-95]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_old_blocks_time
optional: '[0-1024]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '134217728'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_online_alter_log_max_size
optional: '[134217728-2147483647]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_optimize_fulltext_only
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_print_all_deadlocks
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '128'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency
optional: '[1-128]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_random_read_ahead
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_read_ahead_threshold
optional: '[0-1024]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '128'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_rollback_segments
optional: '[1-128]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '6'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_spin_wait_delay
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_stats_auto_recalc
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: nulls_equal
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_stats_method
optional: '[nulls_equal|nulls_unequal|nulls_ignored]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_stats_on_metadata
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_stats_persistent
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '20'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '8'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages
optional: '[1-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_status_output
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_status_output_locks
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_strict_mode
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '30'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_sync_spin_loops
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_table_locks
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_thread_concurrency
optional: '[0-1000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_thread_sleep_delay
optional: '[0-1000000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '7200'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: interactive_timeout
optional: '[10-86400]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '{LEAST(DBInstanceClassMemory/1048576*128, 262144)}'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: join_buffer_size
optional: '[128-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '300'
divisibilityFactor: 100
mode: readwrite
name: key_cache_age_threshold
optional: '[100-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1024'
divisibilityFactor: 512
mode: readwrite
name: key_cache_block_size
optional: '[512-16384]'
restart: false
unit: B
- defaultValue: '100'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: key_cache_division_limit
optional: '[1-100]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: en_US
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: lc_time_names
optional: '[ja_JP|pt_BR|en_US]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: local_infile
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '31536000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: lock_wait_timeout
optional: '[1-1073741824]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: log_bin_use_v1_row_events
optional: '[0|1]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: log_queries_not_using_indexes
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: log_slow_admin_statements
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 6
mode: readwrite
name: long_query_time
optional: '[0.1-31536000]'
restart: false
unit: DOUBLE
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_force_memory_to_innodb
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_force_myisam_to_innodb
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_ignore_index_hint_error
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_implicit_primary_key
optional: '[0-1]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_log_compressed_pages
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on,engine_condition_pushdown=on,index_condition_pushdown=on,mrr=on,mrr_cost_based=on,block_nested_loop=on,batched_key_access=off,materialization=on,semijoin=on,loosescan=on,firstmatch=on,subquery_materialization_cost_based=on,use_index_extensions=on
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_optimizer_switch
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: enabled=off,one_line=off
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_optimizer_trace
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: greedy_search=on,range_optimizer=on,dynamic_range=on,repeated_subselect=on
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_optimizer_trace_features
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_agent_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '100'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_agent_file_size
optional: '[10-1000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_agent_interval
optional: '[1-60]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '100000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_audit_log_row_limit
optional: '[0-100000000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: MYSQL_V1
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_audit_log_version
optional: '[MYSQL_V1|MYSQL_V3]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '2048'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_audit_max_sql_size
optional: '[0-10000000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: XA_RECOVER_ADMIN
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_expose_priv_list
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_force_myisam_to_innodb
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout
optional: '[0-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rpl_semi_sync_master_trace_level
optional: '[1|16|32|64]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_no_slave
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: AFTER_SYNC
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rpl_semi_sync_slave_trace_level
optional: '[1|16|32|64]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '"*"'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_session_track_system_variables
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_session_track_transaction_info
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '32'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_slave_parallel_workers
optional: '[0-1024]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '8'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_validate_password_length
optional: '[1-12]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: low_priority_updates
optional: '[0|1]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: TABLE
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: master_info_repository
optional: '[TABLE|FILE]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: master_verify_checksum
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1073741824'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_allowed_packet
optional: '[16384-1073741824]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '18446744073709551615'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_binlog_cache_size
optional: '[4096-18446744073709547520]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '18446744073709551615'
divisibilityFactor: 4096
mode: readwrite
name: max_binlog_stmt_cache_size
optional: '[4096-18446744073709547520]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '65536'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_connect_errors
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1024'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_error_count
optional: '[0-65535]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_execution_time
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '67108864'
divisibilityFactor: 1024
mode: readwrite
name: max_heap_table_size
optional: '[16384-1844674407370954752]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '18446744073709551615'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_join_size
optional: '[1-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '4096'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_length_for_sort_data
optional: '[0-838860]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '16382'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_prepared_stmt_count
optional: '[0-1048576]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '18446744073709551615'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_seeks_for_key
optional: '[1-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1024'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_sort_length
optional: '[4-8388608]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_sp_recursion_depth
optional: '[0-255]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '102400'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_write_lock_count
optional: '[1-102400]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: min_examined_row_limit
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '262144'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: myisam_sort_buffer_size
optional: '[262144-16777216]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: mysql_native_password_proxy_users
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '16384'
divisibilityFactor: 1024
mode: readwrite
name: net_buffer_length
optional: '[1024-1048576]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '30'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: net_read_timeout
optional: '[1-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: net_retry_count
optional: '[1-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '60'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: net_write_timeout
optional: '[1-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: optimizer_prune_level
optional: '[0|1]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '62'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: optimizer_search_depth
optional: '[0-62]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: optimizer_trace_limit
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1048576'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: optimizer_trace_max_mem_size
optional: '[0-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '-1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: optimizer_trace_offset
optional: '[-2147483648-2147483647]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_opt_enable_rds_priv_strategy
optional: 'ON'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '2'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_point_iostat_interval
optional: '[0-60]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_point_lock_rwlock_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '32768'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: preload_buffer_size
optional: '[1024-1073741824]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '8192'
divisibilityFactor: 1024
mode: readwrite
name: query_alloc_block_size
optional: '[1024-16384]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '8192'
divisibilityFactor: 1024
mode: readwrite
name: query_prealloc_size
optional: '[8192-1048576]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '4096'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: range_alloc_block_size
optional: '[4096-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '8388608'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: range_optimizer_max_mem_size
optional: '[0-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: rds_audit_log_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '{LEAST(DBInstanceClassMemory/1048576*128, 262144)}'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: read_buffer_size
optional: '[8200-2147479552]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: TABLE
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: relay_log_info_repository
optional: '[TABLE|FILE]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: session_track_gtids
optional: '[OFF|OWN_GTID|ALL_GTIDS]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: session_track_schema
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: session_track_state_change
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: sha256_password_proxy_users
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: show_old_temporals
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: strict
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: slave_exec_mode
optional: strict
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '4'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: slave_net_timeout
optional: '[15-300]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '2'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: slow_launch_time
optional: '[1-1024]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: slow_query_log
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '868352'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: sort_buffer_size
optional: '[32768-4294967295]'
restart: false
unit: INT
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: sql_mode
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '256'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: stored_program_cache
optional: '[16-524288]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '{LEAST(DBInstanceClassMemory/1073741824*512, 2048)}'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: table_definition_cache
optional: '[400-524288]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '{LEAST(DBInstanceClassMemory/1073741824*512, 8192)}'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: table_open_cache
optional: '[1-524288]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '100'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: thread_cache_size
optional: '[0-16384]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '2097152'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: tmp_table_size
optional: '[262144-134217728]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '8192'
divisibilityFactor: 1024
mode: readwrite
name: transaction_alloc_block_size
optional: '[1024-131072]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: REPEATABLE-READ
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: transaction_isolation
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '4096'
divisibilityFactor: 1024
mode: readwrite
name: transaction_prealloc_size
optional: '[1024-131072]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'YES'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: updatable_views_with_limit
optional: '[YES|NO]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '28800'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: wait_timeout
optional: '[1-31536000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: WRITESET
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '2'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: log_error_verbosity
optional: '[1-3]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_ccl_max_waiting_count
optional: '[0-9223372036854775807]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '4'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_ccl_queue_bucket_count
optional: '[1-64]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '64'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_ccl_queue_bucket_size
optional: '[1-4096]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_ccl_queue_hot_delete
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_ccl_queue_hot_update
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '86400'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_ccl_wait_timeout
optional: '[1-31536000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_clear_log_file_pagecache
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '2048'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_crash_sql_stmt_max_length
optional: '[1-1000000000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '86400'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_information_schema_stats_expiry
optional: '[0-31536000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_buffer_pool_in_core_file
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_log_optimize_ddl
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '4096'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_log_write_ahead_size
optional: '[512-16384]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_multi_blocks_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_parallel_read_threads
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '100'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_rds_chunk_flush_interval
optional: '[0-100000]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_rds_faster_ddl
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '30'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_rds_flashback_allow_gap
optional: '[0-10080]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_rds_flashback_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_rds_flashback_interval
optional: '[1-10]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_rds_flashback_print_warning
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_rds_flashback_task_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_rds_free_resize
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_trx_resurrect_table_lock_accelerate
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1800'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_undo_retention
optional: '[0-172800]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1024'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_undo_space_reserved_size
optional: '[0-20480]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '102400'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_undo_space_supremum_size
optional: '[0-524288]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: TempTable
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine
optional: '[TempTable|MEMORY]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '10'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_keyring_rds_command_timeout_sec
optional: '[1-999999]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_multi_blocks_count
optional: '[0-1024]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_multi_blocks_ddl_count
optional: '[0-1024]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_persist_binlog_to_redo
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1048576'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_persist_binlog_to_redo_size_limit
optional: '[0-10485760]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '16777216'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_audit_log_buffer_size
optional: '[16777216-104857600]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '8192'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_audit_log_event_buffer_size
optional: '[0-32768]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: ''
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_data_protect_admin
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: ''
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_data_protect_ignore
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: NONE
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_data_protect_level
optional: '[ALL|DDL|NONE]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: aurora,Xtrabak,replicator,eagleye,aliyun_root
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_ignore_password_validation_user_list
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: ''
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_kill_user_list
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_recycle_bin
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '604800'
divisibilityFactor: 86400
mode: readwrite
name: loose_recycle_bin_retention
optional: '[86400-1209600]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_recycle_scheduler
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '30'
divisibilityFactor: 30
mode: readwrite
name: loose_recycle_scheduler_interval
optional: '[30-120]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_recycle_scheduler_purge_table_print
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_sql_safe_updates
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_thread_pool_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '32'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_thread_pool_oversubscribe
optional: '[10-64]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '4'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_thread_pool_size
optional: '[1-64]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_wait_binlog_flush
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '65536'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_points_in_geometry
optional: '[3-1048576]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: sync_master_info
optional: '[0-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: sync_relay_log_info
optional: '[0-18446744073709551615]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1073741824'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: temptable_max_ram
optional: '[2097152-107374182400]'
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: XXHASH64
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: transaction_write_set_extraction
optional: '[OFF|MURMUR32|XXHASH64]'
restart: false
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '3000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: back_log
optional: '[0-65535]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: CRC32
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: binlog_checksum
optional: '[CRC32|NONE]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: utf8
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: character_set_server
optional: '[utf8|latin1|gbk|gb18030|utf8mb4]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: InnoDB
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: default_storage_engine
optional: '[InnoDB|innodb]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: SYSTEM
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: default_time_zone
optional: '[SYSTEM|-12:00|-11:00|-10:00|-9:00|-8:00|-7:00|-6:00|-5:00|-4:00|-3:00|-2:00|-1:00|\+0:00|\+1:00|\+2:00|\+3:00|\+4:00|\+5:00|\+5:30|\+5:45|\+6:00|\+6:30|\+7:00|\+8:00|\+9:00|\+10:00|\+11:00|\+12:00|\+13:00]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: disconnect_on_expired_password
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '84'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: ft_max_word_len
optional: '[10-4294967295]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '4'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: ft_min_word_len
optional: '[1-3600]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '20'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: ft_query_expansion_limit
optional: '[0-1000]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '2'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_autoinc_lock_mode
optional: '[0|1|2]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '8'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_buffer_pool_instances
optional: '[1-64]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '{DBInstanceClassMemory*3/4}'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_buffer_pool_size
optional: '[134217728-18446744073709551615]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_commit_concurrency
optional: '[0-1000]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: O_DIRECT
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_flush_method
optional: '[fsync|O_DSYNC|littlesync|nosync|O_DIRECT|O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '8000000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_ft_cache_size
optional: '[1600000-80000000]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '84'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_ft_max_token_size
optional: '[10-84]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '3'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_ft_min_token_size
optional: '[0-16]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '2'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_ft_sort_pll_degree
optional: '[1-16]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '640000000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_ft_total_cache_size
optional: '[32000000-1600000000]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '104857600'
divisibilityFactor: 1024
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_log_file_size
optional: '[4194304-107374182400]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '20000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_open_files
optional: '[10-2147483647]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '4'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_page_cleaners
optional: '[1-64]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '300'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_purge_batch_size
optional: '[1-5000]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '2'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_purge_threads
optional: '[1-32]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '4'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_read_io_threads
optional: '[1-64]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_rollback_on_timeout
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1048576'
divisibilityFactor: 512
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_sort_buffer_size
optional: '[65536-67108864]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '16'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_sync_array_size
optional: '[1-64]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '4'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_write_io_threads
optional: '[1-64]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_auto_detect_certs
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_numa_interleave
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: /usr/bin/kms_agent
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_keyring_rds_kms_agent_cmd
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '2'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: ngram_token_size
optional: '[0-20]'
restart: true
unit: int
- defaultValue: '65535'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: open_files_limit
optional: '[1-2147483647]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: opt_indexstat
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: opt_tablestat
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_point_iostat_volume_size
optional: '[0-100000]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: performance_schema
optional: '[0-1]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: relay_log_recovery
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: LOGICAL_CLOCK
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: slave_parallel_type
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '16'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: table_open_cache_instances
optional: '[1-64]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '262144'
divisibilityFactor: 1024
mode: readwrite
name: thread_stack
optional: '[131072-2147483647]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: tls_version
optional: '[TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2|TLSv1,TLSv1.1|TLSv1.2]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: mysql_native_password
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: default_authentication_plugin
optional: '[mysql_native_password|sha256_password|caching_sha2_password]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: general_log
optional: 'OFF'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '33554432'
divisibilityFactor: 1048576
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size
optional: '[1048576-9223372036854775807]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_async_binlog_recovery
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '20971520'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_binlog_buffer_size
optional: '[20971520-1073741824]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_buffer_pool_init_optimize
optional: '[OFF|ON]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '64'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_innodb_doublewrite_pages
optional: '[0-512]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_accounts_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_digests_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_error_size
optional: '[0-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_events_stages_history_long_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_events_stages_history_size
optional: '[-1-1024]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_events_statements_history_long_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_events_statements_history_size
optional: '[-1-1024]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_events_transactions_history_long_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_events_transactions_history_size
optional: '[-1-1024]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_events_waits_history_long_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_events_waits_history_size
optional: '[-1-1024]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_hosts_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_cond_classes
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_cond_instances
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_digest_length
optional: '[0-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_digest_sample_age
optional: '[0-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_file_classes
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_file_handles
optional: '[-1-32768]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_file_instances
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_index_stat
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_memory_classes
optional: '[0-1024]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_metadata_locks
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_mutex_classes
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_mutex_instances
optional: '[-1-104857600]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_prepared_statements_instances
optional: '[-1-4194304]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_program_instances
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_rwlock_classes
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_rwlock_instances
optional: '[-1-104857600]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_socket_classes
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_socket_instances
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_sql_text_length
optional: '[0-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_stage_classes
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_statement_classes
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_statement_stack
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_table_handles
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_table_instances
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_table_lock_stat
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_thread_classes
optional: '[0-256]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_max_thread_instances
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_setup_actors_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_setup_objects_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_performance_schema_users_size
optional: '[-1-1048576]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_recovery_apply_binlog
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_xengine
optional: '[1|0]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: ''
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: slave_type_conversions
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: enforce_gtid_consistency
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: expire_logs_days
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: gtid_mode
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '209715200'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_log_buffer_size
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '16777216'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: key_buffer_size
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_kill_idle_transaction_timeout
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: log_slave_updates
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '500'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_rds_reserved_connections
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '2520'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_connections
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '2000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: max_user_connections
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '442368'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: read_rnd_buffer_size
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: relay_log_purge
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: replicate-same-server-id
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: ''
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: rotate_log_table_last_name
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: skip_slave_start
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: skip_ssl
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1073741824'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: slave_pending_jobs_size_max
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: slave_sql_verify_checksum
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: sync_binlog
optional: .*
restart: false
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: sync_relay_log
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: block
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_tcn_cache_level
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_snapshot_update_gcn
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '0'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_equal_gcn_visible
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '3000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_replica_read_timeout
optional: '[0-2147483647]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '9999999999'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_commit_cleanout_max_rows
optional: '[0-9223372036854775807]'
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'OFF'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: innodb_lizard_stat_enabled
optional: '[ON|OFF]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '1'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: lower_case_table_names
optional: '[0|1]'
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_election_timeout
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '8'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_io_thread_cnt
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '8'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_worker_thread_cnt
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_auto_leader_transfer
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_auto_reset_match_index
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: 'ON'
divisibilityFactor: 0
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_large_trx
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: STRING
- defaultValue: '536870912'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_log_cache_size
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '10000'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_max_delay_index
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '20971520'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_max_log_size
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '131072'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_max_packet_size
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
- defaultValue: '268435456'
divisibilityFactor: 1
mode: readwrite
name: loose_consensus_prefetch_cache_size
optional: .*
restart: true
unit: INT
3.3 执行如下命令,创建参数模板。
kubectl apply -f parameter-template.yaml
3.4 执行如下命令,查看创建好的参数模板。
kubectl get PolarDBXParameterTemplate
4.部署 PolarDB-X 集群。
4.1 执行如下命令,创建polardb-x.yaml。
vim polardb-x.yaml
4.2 按i键进入编辑模式,将如下代码复制到文件中,然后按ECS退出编辑模式,输入:wq后按下Enter键保存并退出。
apiVersion: polardbx.aliyun.com/v1
kind: PolarDBXCluster
name: polardb-x
replicas: 1
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 100m
memory: 500Mi
replicas: 1
cpu: "2"
memory: 4Gi
cpu: 100m
memory: 1Gi
replicas: 1
engine: galaxy
cpu: "2"
memory: 4Gi
cpu: 100m
memory: 500Mi
engine: galaxy
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 100m
memory: 500Mi
name: test
4.3 执行如下命令,创建PolarDB-X集群。
kubectl apply -f polardb-x.yaml
4.4 执行如下命令,查看PolarDB-X集群创建状态。
kubectl get polardbxCluster polardb-x -o wide -w
4.5 按Ctrl+C键,退出查看PolarDB-X集群创建状态。
连接 PolarDB-X 集群
kubectl get secret polardb-x -o jsonpath="{.data['polardbx_root']}" | base64 -d - | xargs echo "Password: "
说明:使用MySQL Client方式登录通过k8s部署的PolarDB-X集群前,您需要进行获取PolarDB-X集群登录密码和端口转发。
kubectl port-forward svc/polardb-x 3306
- 您需要将替换为实际获取到的PolarDB-X集群登录密码。
- 如遇到mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0报错,请您稍等一分钟,重新转发端口并连接PolarDB-X集群即可。
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -Ac -P3306 -upolardbx_root -p<PolarDB-X集群登录密码>
5.1 执行如下命令,设置显示所有参数。
set show_all_params = true;
5.2 执行如下命令,查看CN参数。
- XPROTO_MAX_DN_CONCURRENT:私有协议单DN最大并发数,默认值是500。
show global variables like "XPROTO_MAX_DN_CONCURRENT";
show global variables like "XPROTO_MAX_DN_WAIT_CONNECTION";
5.3 执行如下命令,查看DN参数(需要添加HINT下推SQL)。
- sync_binlog:同步binog策略,默认值是1。
/*+TDDL:node(0)*/ show global variables like "sync_binlog";
动态修改 PolarDB-X 的参数
1.1 在实验页面,单击右上角的+图标,创建新的终端三。
1.2 在终端三种,执行如下命令,切换到galaxykube用户。
su galaxykube cd
1.3 执行如下命令,创建parameter-modify.yaml。
vim parameter-modify.yaml
1.4 按i键进入编辑模式,将如下代码复制到文件中,然后按ECS退出编辑模式,输入:wq后按下Enter键保存并退出。
apiVersion: polardbx.aliyun.com/v1
kind: PolarDBXParameter
name: test-param
parameter: dynamic
clusterName: polardb-x
templateName: test
name: cn-parameter
restartType: rollingRestart
value: "4000"
value: "4000"
name: dn-parameter
restartType: rollingRestart
- name: sync_binlog
value: "0"
1.5 执行如下命令,动态修改参数。
kubectl apply -f parameter-modify.yaml
1.6 执行如下命令,查看参数修改的状态,当PHASE为Finished后表示更改已经完成。
kubectl get PolarDBXParameter test-param
2.1 在终端二中,执行如下命令,设置显示所有参数。
set show_all_params = true;
2.2 执行如下命令,验证CN参数修改。
show global variables like "XPROTO_MAX_DN_CONCURRENT";
show global variables like "XPROTO_MAX_DN_WAIT_CONNECTION";
2.3 执行如下命令,验证DN参数修改。
/*+TDDL:node(0)*/ show global variables like "sync_binlog";
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