《CPython Internals》学习第 1 天,p1-p19 总结,总计 19 页。
1.humble vs humbled
(1)humble: humus(“earth”)
adj. 字面意思是“on the ground”, 后面引申为“lowly in kind, state, condition(卑微)”, "not proud that you are important(谦卑)"。
(2)humble vs humbled
I love building tools that help us learn, empower us to create, and move us to share knowledge and ideas with others. I feel humbled, thankful, and proud when I hear how these tools and Python are helping you to solve real-world problems, like climate change or Alzheimer’s..
刚开始看到上面这句话的时候不禁疑惑 humble 就是形容词,为什么不用 humble 而用 humbled 呢?经过查资料,l两者区别如下:
1)humble: modest, describe a quanlity of a person(即我们常说的“谦虚”)。
示例:She is a humble person.
2)humbled: made less proud, especially by awe or admiration, or by gratitude for help received, an undeserved advantage or honor(即我们常说的“自愧不如”)。
示例:I felt humbled by their generosity.
“I love building tools that help us learn, empower us to create, and move us to share knowledge and ideas with others.”——前一句说作者自己喜欢使用Python开发工具,这些工具帮助人们学习,赋予人们创造的能力,推动人与人之间的知识分享。
“I feel humbled, thankful, and proud when I hear how these tools and Python are helping you to solve real-world problems, like climate change or Alzheimer’s..”——后一句说当作者听到人们使用这些工具和 Python 去解决现实世界的问题(如气候变化、阿兹海默症)时,作者感到“humbled, thankful, proud”。
(1)navigate: navis("ship") + *ag("to drive, move")
vi/vt. to direct the way(导航)
p13, In this book, you’ll cover the major concepts behind the internals of CPython and learn how to: ... Navigate and comprehend the inner workings of features like lists, dictionaries, and generators...
虽然 navigate 经常被翻译成“浏览(快速的看)”,但我觉得在上面这段话中,如果将 navigate 翻译成“浏览”——“在本书中,你将了解 CPython 内部工作原理背后的主要概念,并学习如何浏览并彻底理解列表,字典和生成器等特性的内部工作原理”——“学习如何浏览”总感觉很别扭,因为浏览是不需要学习的。在这里,我觉得navigate的意思偏向“find your way throug/actively exploring”,理解成“探究(探索研究)”更好。
关于英语的注解同步更新汇总到 https://github.com/codists/English-In-CS-Books 仓库。
Python 是本人工作中最常用的开发语言,为了加深对 Python 的理解,更好的掌握 Python 这门语言,所以想对 Python 解释器有所了解,看看是怎么使用C语言来实现Python的,以期达到对 Python语言的掌握达到精通的程度,。
关于 Python 解释器的书不多——Anthony Shaw写的《CPython Internals》,陈儒写的《Python源码剖析》。
因为《CPython Internals》在2021年出版,使用的是Python3,比较新。而《Python源码剖析》在 2008 年出版,使用的是Python 2.5,比较古老。所以先阅读《CPython Internals》。
第一天阅读都还没进入正文,感觉非教材类的书籍都容易有一个毛病——口水话很多、缺乏严谨性。示例:CPython gives the developer writing Python code the platform to write scalable and performant applications,把这句话里面的 CPython 换成其它虚拟机(或解释器)也成立,这种放之四海而皆准的话真的毫无意义,又不是去评奖。This book is all about learning by doing, so be sure to set up your IDE early in the book using the instructions, downloading the code, and writing the examples,严格来说 “set up IDE” 不应该通过“downloading the code, and writing the examples”,它们之间是独立的。
1. 编程
(1) Anthony Shaw,《CPython Internals》:https://book.douban.com/subject/35405785/
2. 英语
(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org
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