- 所以我做了两个.bat文件用来静默的安装python。
@echo off
:: Set download URL and target path
set PYTHON_URL=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/python-release/windows/python-3.12.6-embed-amd64.zip
set TARGET_DIR=D:\Python312_6
set ZIP_FILE=%TARGET_DIR%\python-3.12.6-embed-amd64.zip
:: Create target directory
if not exist "%TARGET_DIR%" (
echo Creating target directory: %TARGET_DIR%
mkdir "%TARGET_DIR%"
) else (
echo Target directory already exists: %TARGET_DIR%
:: Download Python embedded version
echo Downloading Python 3.12.6 embedded version...
powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%PYTHON_URL%' -OutFile '%ZIP_FILE%'"
:: Check if download was successful
if not exist "%ZIP_FILE%" (
echo Download failed, please check your network connection or the download link!
exit /b 1
:: Extract ZIP file to target directory
echo Extracting to %TARGET_DIR%...
powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path '%ZIP_FILE%' -DestinationPath '%TARGET_DIR%' -Force"
:: Check if extraction was successful
if exist "%TARGET_DIR%\python.exe" (
echo Python has been successfully extracted to %TARGET_DIR%
) else (
echo Extraction failed, please check the ZIP file or target path!
exit /b 1
echo Script execution completed!
@echo off
REM Specify the path to add
set "new_path=D:\Python312_6"
REM Get the current user PATH variable
for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%a in ('reg query HKCU\Environment /v PATH') do (
set "current_path=%%a %%b"
REM Check if the path already exists
echo %current_path% | find /i "%new_path%" >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo The path already exists in PATH.
goto end
REM Append the new path to PATH
set "updated_path=%current_path%;%new_path%"
REM Update the user PATH variable
setx PATH "%updated_path%"
echo The path has been successfully added to PATH.
- 第一个是GetPython文件,从镜像下载二进制源文件,直接在指定目录解压
第二个是SetPath文件,用来将路径写入 用户变量
- 运行结果:
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