A run loop for a given thread will wait until one or more of its input sources has some data or event, then fire the appropriate input handler(s) to process each input source that is "ready." After doing so, it will then return to its loop, processing input from various sources, and "sleeping" if...
linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)这个错误貌似遇见并不止一次,当我想用某个第三方类库的时候(如SBJson),我直接把类库文件copy到工程目录里面,然后一编译就出现这样错误(并不是一定会出这样错误),开始以为是网上下载的类库本身问题,所以重新找类库或者其他方式将它添加进去,只要...