WakaTime was built to solve time tracking for programmers. Since we work inside a text editor, why should we have to start and stop a timer? WakaTime uses open-source text editor plugins to automatically track the time you spend programming so you never have to manually track it again!
为什么越来越多的互联网公司都在转向React.js去开发前端组件,除了性能因素外,很大一部分原因是因为用jQuery去写很复杂的DOM操作,后期代码会变得越来越难维护。现在大部分的 Web APP 都有一个特点:后端的Model层很简单,但是随着产品业务的拓展前端View却变得越来越复杂,这个时候如果还在用纯jQuery去写DOM操作将会...