2.8 Details
During review, your app installed or launched executable code, which
is a violation of the App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, your
app uses the itms-services URL scheme to install an application.Specifically, this app contains a mechanism for updating itself
outside of the App Store review process.10.6 Details
In addition, your app includes an update button or alerts the user to
update the app. To avoid user confusion, app version updates must
utilize the iOS built-in update mechanism.Specifically, this app contains an SDK designed to update the app
outside of the App Store process. It would be appropriate to remove
this SDK before resubmitting for review.
2.8 这个,我在整个项目里搜也没搜到用itms-services的,要说有绕过apple审核流程的更新机制也没找到。
这种情况一般是第三方 sdk 中有内置更新机制,只能去联系他们的,特别是那些没有源码的第三方库