# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
# Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 1048576 bytes for AllocateHeap
# Possible reasons:
# The system is out of physical RAM or swap space
# In 32 bit mode, the process size limit was hit
# Possible solutions:
# Reduce memory load on the system
# Increase physical memory or swap space
# Check if swap backing store is full
# Use 64 bit Java on a 64 bit OS
# Decrease Java heap size (-Xmx/-Xms)
# Decrease number of Java threads
# Decrease Java thread stack sizes (-Xss)
# Set larger code cache with -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=
# This output file may be truncated or incomplete.
# Out of Memory Error (memory/allocation.inline.hpp:61), pid=7752, tid=4676
# JRE version: (7.0_79-b15) (build )
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.79-b02 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Failed to write core dump. Call to MiniDumpWriteDump() failed
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x0000000002501000): JavaThread "Unknown thread" [_thread_in_vm, id=4676, stack(0x0000000002920000,0x0000000002a20000)]
Stack: [0x0000000002920000,0x0000000002a20000]
[error occurred during error reporting (printing stack bounds), id 0xc0000005]
看提示是说分配 1048576 字节的
Native 内存
时失败了. native 内存不足, 不代表 JVM 的堆内存不足, 因为 native 内存是由 C 语言中的malloc
所分配的, 它不包含在堆内存中. 出现 native 分配失败的情况, 一般就是因为整个操作系统的物理内存不足了, 导致没有多余的内存空间分配给 native 内存.而上面的错误提示也给出了解决方法:
减少 Java 线程数.
减少 Java 的线程堆栈大小(-Xss).
为什么这样做呢? 因为 native 内存不在 Heap 中, 因此 JVM 所占用的实际内存由:
native 内存 + Heap 内存 + 栈内存 + 其他
, 因此减少 Heap 内存, 那么可用的 native 内存就提高了.