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官方涉及到的文章:An introduction to Redis data types and abstractionsRedis keys章节

Redis keys are binary safe, this means that you can use any binary sequence as a key, from a string like "foo" to the content of a JPEG file. The empty string is also a valid key.

A few other rules about keys:

  • Very long keys are not a good idea. For instance a key of 1024 bytes is a bad idea not only memory-wise, but also because the lookup of the key in the dataset may require several costly key-comparisons. Even when the task at hand is to match the existence of a large value, hashing it (for example with SHA1) is a better idea, especially from the perspective of memory and bandwidth.
  • Very short keys are often not a good idea. There is little point in writing "u1000flw" as a key if you can instead write "user:1000:followers". The latter is more readable and the added space is minor compared to the space used by the key object itself and the value object. While short keys will obviously consume a bit less memory, your job is to find the right balance.
  • Try to stick with a schema. For instance "object-type:id" is a good idea, as in "user:1000". Dots or dashes are often used for multi-word fields, as in or comment:1234:reply-to.

The maximum allowed key size is 512 MB.

Redis深入系列-0x014:Redis数据类型和概念介绍(上)0x001 Redis的key章节



  • 非常长的key是不推荐的。一个1024 bytes是一个非常坏的注意,不仅仅是因为内存浪费,更是因为在数据集中搜索对比的时候需要耗费更多的成本。当要处理的是匹配一个非常大的值,从内存和带宽的角度来看,使用这个值的hash值是更好的办法(比如使用SHA1)。
  • 特别短的key通常也是不推荐的。在写像u100flw这样的键的时候,有一个小小的要点,我们可以用user:1000:followers代替。可读性更好,对于key对象和value对象增加的空间占用与此相比来说倒是次要的。当短的key可以很明显减少空间占用的时候,你的工作就是找到正确的平衡
  • 尝试去固定一个密室。比如object-type:id是一个好主意,-和.通常用于多个字符的域,就像,或者comment:1234:reply-to
  • 最大的key允许512MB


比如key="article_view_top_10" 表示浏览量最高的10篇文章。
