参考示例:import { rcp } from '@kit.RemoteCommunicationKit'; import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit'; @Entry @Component struct demo { @State host: string = 'http://huawei.com'; @State httpMethod: string = "POST"; @State caPath: string = '/path/dir/'; fetch() { // Configure security settings const securityConfig: rcp.SecurityConfiguration = { remoteValidation: "system", certificate: { content: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", type: "PEM", key: this.caPath, keyPassword: "your-password", }, serverAuthentication: { credential: { username: "exampleUser", password: "examplePassword", }, authenticationType: "basic", }, }; // Use the security configuration in the session creation const session = rcp.createSession({ requestConfiguration: { security: securityConfig } }); console.info('host:' + this.host); console.info('httpMethod:' + this.httpMethod); session.fetch(new rcp.Request(this.host, this.httpMethod)).then((response) => { console.info(`Response succeed: ${response}`); }).catch((err: BusinessError) => { console.error(`err: err code is ${err.code}, err message is ${err.message}`); }); } build() { Column() { Text('点击按钮切换域名和证书') .fontSize(20) .fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) .margin({ top: 20 }) Button("GET") .margin({ top: 20 }) .fontColor(Color.Blue) .onClick(() => { this.host = 'http://huawei.com' this.caPath = '/*' this.fetch() }) Button("POST") .margin({ top: 20 }) .fontColor(Color.Blue) .onClick(() => { this.host = 'http://huawei.com' this.caPath = '/*' this.fetch() }) } .height('100%') .width('100%') } }