
【亲身实录】多次失败后,我终于拿到 Amazon SP-API PII 申请权限!


大家好,今天来和大家唠唠我申请 Amazon SP-API PII 权限的那些坑和挫折。整个过程真是跌宕起伏,但也收获了不少经验。为了便于对照,各个邮件的原文都原封不动地保留了,大家可以对照着看我的改进历程。

失败案例 1:网站信息不达标


We have reviewed the information you provided and determined that you are not eligible for Restricted SP-API roles based on your application.

Why is this happening?

We assess all Public Developer applications for Restricted SP-API access based on technical and business criteria, such as readiness for launch, compliance with the public-facing website, and the services offered to sellers.

The website URL you provided does not meet the requirements for a Public developer application.

We have identified the following areas that do not meet our requirements:

  • Identification and Contact Information
  • Compliance & Legal

No changes have been made to your SP-API access at this time.

这封邮件直接告诉我,申请时提供的网站信息不够公开、合规,也没能体现出公司的专业性和可靠性。其实很多开发者都可能忽略网站的细节。后来我赶紧更新了 Developer Profile,补充了公司的详细介绍和合规信息,才逐步改善。

失败案例 2:申请资料不完善



Thank you for updating your Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) Developer Profile. We have completed our assessment and have determined that you are not eligible for an update to your access to the SP-API Restricted roles. Please read this message carefully and review the Case Appeals section below if you would like to appeal this decision.

We have identified the following areas that do not meet the requirements set forth in the Acceptable Use Policy and Data Protection Policies, please refer to the links provided below and look for the information for each corresponding Policy link. If you would like to appeal this decision, or you believe your responses were submitted incorrectly, please do not reopen this case.

RDA - Restricted Data Access


  • Data Governance 2.2

    Question - Provide your organization´s privacy and data handling policies to describe how Amazon data is collected, processed, stored, used shared and disposed. You may provide this in the form of a public website URL.

  • Logging and Monitoring 2.6

    Question - Describe how your organization monitors, detects, and logs malicious activity in your application(s).

  • Risk Management and Incident Response Plan 1.6

    Question - Summarize the steps taken within your organization's incident response plan to handle database hacks, unauthorized access, and data leaks.

  • Vulnerability Management 2.7

    Question - How do you track remediation progress of findings identified from vulnerability scans and penetration tests?

No changes have been made to your SP-API access at this time.

Case Appeals:

If you would like to appeal this decision, or you believe your responses were submitted incorrectly, please do not reopen this case. We require a new case to be submitted with your updated Developer Profile responses to address the missing controls listed above.

When you update your Developer Profile responses, please include additional or corrected information that may have been missing in the responses of your previous submission:



失败案例 3:架构审查要求(二审阶段)


Thank you for your responses and collaboration during this process.

All developers who want to build a publicly available application with Restricted SP-API roles must go through an Architecture Review with our Solutions Architect team. This will require a detailed explanation of the application’s data flows and data protection controls for Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This may also include a demo through screen sharing.

We request you to provide written explanations or screenshots for the questions listed in the attached document. Please note that there are 14 questions in the excel file that you need to respond.

• Please respond within 5 business days. If you do not respond, we will continue with our assessment with the information available.

这次面对的是架构审查要求,Amazon 要求我们提供应用的数据流向说明和对 PII 数据的保护措施。虽然压力山大,但我还是按要求准备了详细的说明文档和演示材料。大家遇到这种情况,一定要提前准备好相关材料,并在规定时间内提交。

失败案例 4:网站信息依旧不过关



Thank you for updating your Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) Developer Profile.

We have completed our assessment and have determined that you do not meet criteria for Brand Analytics role access on SP-API.

You have been granted access to the SP-API roles you requested, excluding Brand Analytics.

Please review this message carefully and refer to the What actions do I need to take? section below if you would like to appeal this decision.

Why is this happening?

To protect Amazon Customers, we require Developers to have an online business website with publicly available, descriptive information about the analytical products and services provided for Amazon Selling Partners. Services and product must be consistent with section 4.4 and 4.5 of our Acceptable Use Policy.

What actions do I need to take?

If you would like to appeal the rejection of Brand Analytics role, do not reopen this case. We require a new case to be submitted with your updated Developer Profile responses to address the missing controls listed above. Your update should include a website URL that provides details about the services your application offers to Amazon Sellers. The website should display information about function details and other features of your app.

When you update your Developer Profile responses, please include additional or corrected information that may have been missing in the responses of your previous submission:

这封邮件再次强调了网站的重要性。Amazon 对于品牌分析角色有着更高要求,必须有一个能详细介绍应用功能、服务范围的网站。如果你的网站内容不够充实或不符合要求,很可能会被拒绝。更新网站内容、详细展示应用功能,是解决这一问题的关键。

失败案例 5:开发者身份定位错误



Thank you for completing your Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) Developer Profile.

We have completed our assessment and determined that you are not eligible for SP-API access to build a publicly available application.

Why is this happening?

Based on the information provided, we determined that your organization sells in the Amazon store, and is integrating only to manage your own business.

What actions can I take?

We have resolved this case. To proceed further with your evaluation, please open a new case and update your Developer Profile response. Select the "Private Developer" option when asked to describe your organization in the form. This change is necessary for us to accurately assess your situation.

这次失败让我意识到,开发者身份的定位也很关键。如果你的业务主要是管理自家店铺,而不是为其他卖家提供服务,那么你就应该选择“Private Developer”选项。于是,我按照建议更新了 Developer Profile,重新定位后就顺利过了。

失败案例 6:再次出现申请资料问题



Thank you for updating your Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) Developer Profile. We have completed our assessment and have determined that you are not eligible for an update to your access to the SP-API Restricted roles. Please read this message carefully and review the Case Appeals section below if you would like to appeal this decision.

We have identified the following areas that do not meet the requirements set forth in the Data Protection Policy, please refer to the links provided below and look for the information for each corresponding Policy link. If you would like to appeal this decision, or you believe your responses were submitted incorrectly, please do not reopen this case.

Restricted Data Access Information

  • Vulnerability Management 2.7

    Question - How do you track remediation progress of findings identified from vulnerability scans and penetration tests?

    No changes have been made to your SP-API access at this time.

Case Appeals:

If you would like to appeal this decision, or you believe your responses were submitted incorrectly, please do not reopen this case. We require a new case to be submitted with your updated Developer Profile responses to address the missing controls listed above.

When you update your Developer Profile responses, please include additional or corrected information that may have been missing in the responses of your previous submission:

这封邮件又回到了申请资料上,主要问题还是漏洞管理部分的描述不够详细。经过多次修改,我终于补充了完整的漏洞跟踪和修复机制说明。再次提醒大家,仔细对照 Amazon 的要求,逐项填写,绝不能马虎。


申请 Amazon SP-API PII 的过程真不是一帆风顺。从网站信息、申请资料、架构审查到开发者身份,每个环节都有严格的要求。通过这些失败案例,我学到了如何在每个细节上打磨自己的申请材料,也明白了在遇到问题时,及时调整和改进的重要性。




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