自上世纪70年代自由软件诞生,到90年代 Linux 面世,开源从依托学术团体支持,到开始走上商业化的路径。如今,商业化程度在开源的价值衡量标准中不可或缺,比如 OpenHarmony 的开源生态已经覆盖包括金融、交通、市建、教育、制造等各行各业。然而,除了将商业落地作为重要标准之外,还有哪些评估指标可以作为开源项目是...
Join us at the Alibaba Cloud Singapore office on March 6, 2024, for an engaging meetup co-hosted by Elastic and Alibaba Cloud, where you'll explore the intersection of AI and search technologies. Connect with experts, and get hands-on experience in building an AI-powered search application. Food,...