IEBlog 由于提供了对 CSS3 @font-face 规则和 WOFF 字体封装格式的跨浏览器支持,现代的 Web 版式已远远超出了“Web 安全字体”所定义的范畴,像 New Yorker 这样的知名杂志就使用了 Web 字体来彰显标题版式的独特风格,而在美国总统奥巴马的竞选连任活动中,也使用了 Web 字体服务 Typekit 来托管其独具一格的字体。
Audio on the web has been fairly primitive up to this point and until very recently has had to be delivered through plugins such as Flash and QuickTime. The introduction of the audio element in HTML5 is very important, allowing for basic streaming audio playback. But, it is not powerful enough to...
iron-a11y-keys提供一个符合WAI-ARIA best practices处理键盘命令的一个规范化的接口,元素负责浏览器键盘事件差异和使用一个表达语法过滤按键。 使用的键属性表达组合键将触发事件触发 使用目标属性在一个特定的节点设置事件处理程序。按下一个组合键设置键属性触发对应的按键事件。
The attr() function is allowed as a component value in properties applied to an element or pseudo-element. It returns the value of an attribute on the element. If used on a pseudo-element, it returns the value of the attribute on the pseudo-element's originating element.
Abstract This CSS3 module describes the common values and units that CSS properties > accept and the syntax used for describing them in CSSproperty definitions. CSS is a language for describing the rendering of structured documents (such as HTML and XML) on screen, on paper, in speech, etc.