D:wwwopensourceyii2-apidoc-master>composer install Loading composer
repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including
require-dev) Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable
set of packages.Problem 1
- yiisoft/yii2 2.0.x-dev requires bower-asset/punycode 1.3.* -> no matching package found. - yiisoft/yii2 2.0.9 requires bower-asset/jquery 2.2.*@stable | 2.1.*@stable | 1.11.*@stable | 1.12.*@stable -> no matching package found. - yiisoft/yii2 2.0.8 requires bower-asset/jquery 2.2.*@stable | 2.1.*@stable | 1.11.*@stable -> no matching package found. - yiisoft/yii2 2.0.7 requires bower-asset/jquery 2.2.*@stable | 2.1.*@stable | 1.11.*@stable -> no matching package found. - yiisoft/yii2 2.0.6 requires bower-asset/jquery 2.1.*@stable | 1.11.*@stabl e -> no matching package found. - yiisoft/yii2 2.0.5 requires bower-asset/jquery 2.1.*@stable | 1.11.*@stabl e -> no matching package found. - yiisoft/yii2 2.0.4 requires bower-asset/jquery 2.1.*@stable | 1.11.*@stabl e -> no matching package found. - yiisoft/yii2 2.0.10 requires bower-asset/jquery 2.2.*@stable | 2.1.*@stabl e | 1.11.*@stable | 1.12.*@stable -> no matching package found. - Installation request for yiisoft/yii2 ~2.0.4 -> satisfiable by yiisoft/yii 2[2.0.10, 2.0.4, 2.0.5, 2.0.6, 2.0.7, 2.0.8, 2.0.9,
Potential causes:
A typo in the package name
The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your min imum-stability setting see
https://getcomposer.org/doc/0... for moredet ails.
Read https://getcomposer.org/doc/a... for
further commo n problems.D:wwwopensourceyii2-apidoc-master>D:wwwopensourceyii2-apidoc-masterapidoc
.batThe Yii Framework 2.0 does not seem to be installed. Try running
composer instal l.
不想全局安装也可以,先去掉yii2, 然后
composer require --dev "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.2.0"