

有没有一种模式可以让我从 C++ 中的另一个枚举继承枚举?


 enum eBase
   one=1, two, three

enum eDerived: public eBase
   four=4, five, six

原文由 Sasha 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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您可以改为使用具有命名 const int 的类。


 class Colors
  static const int RED = 1;
  static const int GREEN = 2;

class RGB : public Colors
  static const int BLUE = 10;

class FourColors : public Colors
  static const int ORANGE = 100;
  static const int PURPLE = 101;

原文由 Brian R. Bondy 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 2.5 许可协议

我的解决方案类似于上面的一些,除了我想在我的函数中返回一个枚举(采用 STATUS_ENUM 值的构造函数),并像一个枚举(将 STATUS_ENUM 值与类进行比较的运算符)进行比较。我还想要一种干净的方式来使用基类,而无需强制转换和检查(操作员覆盖)。最后,我想确保只有我指定的类型才能构造类(已删除的模板)。

         struct StatusReturn
             * Use this to communicate trigger conditions internally to the caller.
             * - Extend this class with a child who adds more static const STATUS_ENUM values as options.
             * - When checking the return simply compare with != or == and the class will handle the rest.
             *   - This is true for a base class and a derived value, since this base class holds the value.

            typedef int STATUS_ENUM;

            StatusReturn() = delete;

            template <typename T>
            StatusReturn(T) = delete;
            StatusReturn(STATUS_ENUM value): _value(value) {};

            // Operator overloads to compare the int to the class
            friend bool operator==(const StatusReturn & lhs, const STATUS_ENUM & rhs)
            { return lhs.getValue() == rhs; };
            friend bool operator!=(const StatusReturn & lhs, const STATUS_ENUM & rhs)
            { return !(lhs == rhs); };
            friend bool operator==(const STATUS_ENUM & lhs, const StatusReturn & rhs)
            { return lhs == rhs.getValue(); };
            friend bool operator!=(const STATUS_ENUM & lhs, const StatusReturn & rhs)
            { return !(lhs == rhs); };

            // Non-exit triggering return
            static const STATUS_ENUM CONTINUE = -1;

            // Exit triggering values
            static const STATUS_ENUM FAILED = 0;
            static const STATUS_ENUM SUCCESS = 1;
            static const STATUS_ENUM HALTED = 2;

            STATUS_ENUM getValue() const
            { return _value; };

            STATUS_ENUM _value = CONTINUE;


         StatusReturn shouldExit()
            return successBool ? StatusReturn::SUCCESS : StatusReturn::CONTINUE;


         auto exitValue = shouldExit();
        if (exitValue != StatusReturn::CONTINUE)
            return exitValue;


         auto exitValue = shouldExit();
        if (exitValue != DerivedReturn::DO_STUFF)
            return exitValue;

在这里,由于 DO_STUFF 也是 STATUS_ENUM 类型,因此运算符无需任何显式转换即可工作。

原文由 Ian A McElhenny 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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