将 2:1 等距柱状全景图转换为立方体贴图


我目前正在为一个网站开发一个简单的 3D 全景图查看器。出于移动性能原因,我使用 Three.js CSS 3 渲染器。这需要一个立方体贴图,分成六个单独的图像。

我正在使用 Google Photo Sphere 或创建 2:1 等距柱状全景图的类似应用程序在 iPhone 上录制图像。然后,我使用此网站调整大小并将它们转换为立方体贴图:http: //gonchar.me/panorama/ (Flash)

最好,我想 _自己进行转换,如果可能的话,可以在 Three.js 中即时进行,也可以在 Photoshop 中进行。我找到了 Andrew Hazelden 的 Photoshop 动作,它们看起来有点接近,但不能直接转换。有没有一种数学方法来转换这些,或者某种脚本呢?如果可能的话,我想避免使用像 [Blender](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blender%28software%29) 这样的 3D 应用程序。

也许这是一个远景,但我想我会问。我对 JavaScript 有很好的经验,但我对 Three.js 还很陌生。我也对依赖 WebGL 功能犹豫不决,因为它在移动设备上看起来不是很慢就是有问题。支持也仍然参差不齐。

原文由 oelna 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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如果你想在服务器端做,有很多选择。 ImageMagick 有一堆命令行工具,可以将您的图像切成碎片。您可以将执行此操作的命令放入脚本中,并在每次有新图像时运行它。

很难说清楚程序中使用了什么算法。我们可以尝试通过将正方形网格输入程序来对正在发生的事情进行逆向工程。我使用了 维基百科的网格

64 x 64 网格





在数学上,取极坐标 r, θ, ø,对于球体 r=1, 0 < θ < π, -π/4 < ø < 7π/4

  • x= r sin θ cos ø
  • y= r sin θ sin ø
  • z= 余弦θ

将这些集中投影到立方体。首先我们按纬度划分为四个区域-π/4 < ø < π/4, π/4 < ø < 3π/4, 3π/4 < ø < 5π/4, 5π/4 < ø < 7π/4。这些将投射到顶部或底部的四个侧面之一。

假设我们在第一边 -π/4 < ø < π/4。 (sin θ cos ø, sin θ sin ø, cos θ) 的中心投影将是 (a sin θ cos ø, a sin θ sin ø, a cos θ) 当

  • a sin θ cos ø = 1


  • a = 1 / (sin θ cos ø)


  • (1, tan ø, cot θ / cos ø)

如果 | cot θ / cos ø | < 1,这将在正面。否则,它将投影在顶部或底部,您将需要一个不同的投影。更好的顶部测试使用 cos ø 的最小值将是 cos π/4 = 1/√2 的事实,因此如果 cot θ / (1/√2) > 1 或投影点始终位于顶部tan θ < 1/√2。计算结果为 θ < 35º 或 0.615 弧度。

将它们放在 Python 中:

 import sys
from PIL import Image
from math import pi,sin,cos,tan

def cot(angle):
    return 1/tan(angle)

# Project polar coordinates onto a surrounding cube
# assume ranges theta is [0,pi] with 0 the north poll, pi south poll
# phi is in range [0,2pi]
def projection(theta,phi):
        if theta<0.615:
            return projectTop(theta,phi)
        elif theta>2.527:
            return projectBottom(theta,phi)
        elif phi <= pi/4 or phi > 7*pi/4:
            return projectLeft(theta,phi)
        elif phi > pi/4 and phi <= 3*pi/4:
            return projectFront(theta,phi)
        elif phi > 3*pi/4 and phi <= 5*pi/4:
            return projectRight(theta,phi)
        elif phi > 5*pi/4 and phi <= 7*pi/4:
            return projectBack(theta,phi)

def projectLeft(theta,phi):
        x = 1
        y = tan(phi)
        z = cot(theta) / cos(phi)
        if z < -1:
            return projectBottom(theta,phi)
        if z > 1:
            return projectTop(theta,phi)
        return ("Left",x,y,z)

def projectFront(theta,phi):
        x = tan(phi-pi/2)
        y = 1
        z = cot(theta) / cos(phi-pi/2)
        if z < -1:
            return projectBottom(theta,phi)
        if z > 1:
            return projectTop(theta,phi)
        return ("Front",x,y,z)

def projectRight(theta,phi):
        x = -1
        y = tan(phi)
        z = -cot(theta) / cos(phi)
        if z < -1:
            return projectBottom(theta,phi)
        if z > 1:
            return projectTop(theta,phi)
        return ("Right",x,-y,z)

def projectBack(theta,phi):
        x = tan(phi-3*pi/2)
        y = -1
        z = cot(theta) / cos(phi-3*pi/2)
        if z < -1:
            return projectBottom(theta,phi)
        if z > 1:
            return projectTop(theta,phi)
        return ("Back",-x,y,z)

def projectTop(theta,phi):
        # (a sin θ cos ø, a sin θ sin ø, a cos θ) = (x,y,1)
        a = 1 / cos(theta)
        x = tan(theta) * cos(phi)
        y = tan(theta) * sin(phi)
        z = 1
        return ("Top",x,y,z)

def projectBottom(theta,phi):
        # (a sin θ cos ø, a sin θ sin ø, a cos θ) = (x,y,-1)
        a = -1 / cos(theta)
        x = -tan(theta) * cos(phi)
        y = -tan(theta) * sin(phi)
        z = -1
        return ("Bottom",x,y,z)

# Convert coords in cube to image coords
# coords is a tuple with the side and x,y,z coords
# edge is the length of an edge of the cube in pixels
def cubeToImg(coords,edge):
    if coords[0]=="Left":
        (x,y) = (int(edge*(coords[2]+1)/2), int(edge*(3-coords[3])/2) )
    elif coords[0]=="Front":
        (x,y) = (int(edge*(coords[1]+3)/2), int(edge*(3-coords[3])/2) )
    elif coords[0]=="Right":
        (x,y) = (int(edge*(5-coords[2])/2), int(edge*(3-coords[3])/2) )
    elif coords[0]=="Back":
        (x,y) = (int(edge*(7-coords[1])/2), int(edge*(3-coords[3])/2) )
    elif coords[0]=="Top":
        (x,y) = (int(edge*(3-coords[1])/2), int(edge*(1+coords[2])/2) )
    elif coords[0]=="Bottom":
        (x,y) = (int(edge*(3-coords[1])/2), int(edge*(5-coords[2])/2) )
    return (x,y)

# convert the in image to out image
def convert(imgIn,imgOut):
    inSize = imgIn.size
    outSize = imgOut.size
    inPix = imgIn.load()
    outPix = imgOut.load()
    edge = inSize[0]/4   # the length of each edge in pixels
    for i in xrange(inSize[0]):
        for j in xrange(inSize[1]):
            pixel = inPix[i,j]
            phi = i * 2 * pi / inSize[0]
            theta = j * pi / inSize[1]
            res = projection(theta,phi)
            (x,y) = cubeToImg(res,edge)
            #if i % 100 == 0 and j % 100 == 0:
            #    print i,j,phi,theta,res,x,y
            if x >= outSize[0]:
                #print "x out of range ",x,res
            if y >= outSize[1]:
                #print "y out of range ",y,res
            outPix[x,y] = pixel

imgIn = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
inSize = imgIn.size
imgOut = Image.new("RGB",(inSize[0],inSize[0]*3/4),"black")

projection 函数采用 thetaphi 值并返回立方体中每个方向从 -1 到 1 的坐标。 cubeToImg 获取 (x,y,z) 坐标并将它们转换为输出图像坐标。

上面的算法似乎使用 白金汉宫的图像 得到了正确的几何图形。我们得到:




 import sys
from PIL import Image
from math import pi,sin,cos,tan,atan2,hypot,floor
from numpy import clip

# get x,y,z coords from out image pixels coords
# i,j are pixel coords
# face is face number
# edge is edge length
def outImgToXYZ(i,j,face,edge):
    a = 2.0*float(i)/edge
    b = 2.0*float(j)/edge
    if face==0: # back
        (x,y,z) = (-1.0, 1.0-a, 3.0 - b)
    elif face==1: # left
        (x,y,z) = (a-3.0, -1.0, 3.0 - b)
    elif face==2: # front
        (x,y,z) = (1.0, a - 5.0, 3.0 - b)
    elif face==3: # right
        (x,y,z) = (7.0-a, 1.0, 3.0 - b)
    elif face==4: # top
        (x,y,z) = (b-1.0, a -5.0, 1.0)
    elif face==5: # bottom
        (x,y,z) = (5.0-b, a-5.0, -1.0)
    return (x,y,z)

# convert using an inverse transformation
def convertBack(imgIn,imgOut):
    inSize = imgIn.size
    outSize = imgOut.size
    inPix = imgIn.load()
    outPix = imgOut.load()
    edge = inSize[0]/4   # the length of each edge in pixels
    for i in xrange(outSize[0]):
        face = int(i/edge) # 0 - back, 1 - left 2 - front, 3 - right
        if face==2:
            rng = xrange(0,edge*3)
            rng = xrange(edge,edge*2)

        for j in rng:
            if j<edge:
                face2 = 4 # top
            elif j>=2*edge:
                face2 = 5 # bottom
                face2 = face

            (x,y,z) = outImgToXYZ(i,j,face2,edge)
            theta = atan2(y,x) # range -pi to pi
            r = hypot(x,y)
            phi = atan2(z,r) # range -pi/2 to pi/2
            # source img coords
            uf = ( 2.0*edge*(theta + pi)/pi )
            vf = ( 2.0*edge * (pi/2 - phi)/pi)
            # Use bilinear interpolation between the four surrounding pixels
            ui = floor(uf)  # coord of pixel to bottom left
            vi = floor(vf)
            u2 = ui+1       # coords of pixel to top right
            v2 = vi+1
            mu = uf-ui      # fraction of way across pixel
            nu = vf-vi
            # Pixel values of four corners
            A = inPix[ui % inSize[0],clip(vi,0,inSize[1]-1)]
            B = inPix[u2 % inSize[0],clip(vi,0,inSize[1]-1)]
            C = inPix[ui % inSize[0],clip(v2,0,inSize[1]-1)]
            D = inPix[u2 % inSize[0],clip(v2,0,inSize[1]-1)]
            # interpolate
            (r,g,b) = (
              A[0]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[0]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[0]*(1-mu)*nu+D[0]*mu*nu,
              A[1]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[1]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[1]*(1-mu)*nu+D[1]*mu*nu,
              A[2]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[2]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[2]*(1-mu)*nu+D[2]*mu*nu )

            outPix[i,j] = (int(round(r)),int(round(g)),int(round(b)))

imgIn = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
inSize = imgIn.size
imgOut = Image.new("RGB",(inSize[0],inSize[0]*3/4),"black")



如果有人想反过来,请参阅 此 JS Fiddle 页面

原文由 Salix alba 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

鉴于优秀的接受答案,我想添加我相应的 C++ 实现,基于 OpenCV

对于那些不熟悉 OpenCV 的人, Mat 视为图像。我们首先构建两个贴图,从等距柱状图像重新映射到相应的立方体贴图面。然后,我们使用 OpenCV 完成繁重的工作(即,使用插值重新映射)。


 // Define our six cube faces.
// 0 - 3 are side faces, clockwise order
// 4 and 5 are top and bottom, respectively
float faceTransform[6][2] =
    {0, 0},
    {M_PI / 2, 0},
    {M_PI, 0},
    {-M_PI / 2, 0},
    {0, -M_PI / 2},
    {0, M_PI / 2}

// Map a part of the equirectangular panorama (in) to a cube face
// (face). The ID of the face is given by faceId. The desired
// width and height are given by width and height.
inline void createCubeMapFace(const Mat &in, Mat &face,
        int faceId = 0, const int width = -1,
        const int height = -1) {

    float inWidth = in.cols;
    float inHeight = in.rows;

    // Allocate map
    Mat mapx(height, width, CV_32F);
    Mat mapy(height, width, CV_32F);

    // Calculate adjacent (ak) and opposite (an) of the
    // triangle that is spanned from the sphere center
    //to our cube face.
    const float an = sin(M_PI / 4);
    const float ak = cos(M_PI / 4);

    const float ftu = faceTransform[faceId][0];
    const float ftv = faceTransform[faceId][1];

    // For each point in the target image,
    // calculate the corresponding source coordinates.
    for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {

            // Map face pixel coordinates to [-1, 1] on plane
            float nx = (float)y / (float)height - 0.5f;
            float ny = (float)x / (float)width - 0.5f;

            nx *= 2;
            ny *= 2;

            // Map [-1, 1] plane coords to [-an, an]
            // thats the coordinates in respect to a unit sphere
            // that contains our box.
            nx *= an;
            ny *= an;

            float u, v;

            // Project from plane to sphere surface.
            if(ftv == 0) {
                // Center faces
                u = atan2(nx, ak);
                v = atan2(ny * cos(u), ak);
                u += ftu;
            } else if(ftv > 0) {
                // Bottom face
                float d = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
                v = M_PI / 2 - atan2(d, ak);
                u = atan2(ny, nx);
            } else {
                // Top face
                float d = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
                v = -M_PI / 2 + atan2(d, ak);
                u = atan2(-ny, nx);

            // Map from angular coordinates to [-1, 1], respectively.
            u = u / (M_PI);
            v = v / (M_PI / 2);

            // Warp around, if our coordinates are out of bounds.
            while (v < -1) {
                v += 2;
                u += 1;
            while (v > 1) {
                v -= 2;
                u += 1;

            while(u < -1) {
                u += 2;
            while(u > 1) {
                u -= 2;

            // Map from [-1, 1] to in texture space
            u = u / 2.0f + 0.5f;
            v = v / 2.0f + 0.5f;

            u = u * (inWidth - 1);
            v = v * (inHeight - 1);

            // Save the result for this pixel in map
            mapx.at<float>(x, y) = u;
            mapy.at<float>(x, y) = v;

    // Recreate output image if it has wrong size or type.
    if(face.cols != width || face.rows != height ||
        face.type() != in.type()) {
        face = Mat(width, height, in.type());

    // Do actual resampling using OpenCV's remap
    remap(in, face, mapx, mapy,
         CV_INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(0, 0, 0));





图片由 Optonaut 提供。

原文由 Emiswelt 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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