async savePhoto(pixmap: image.PixelMap): Promise<string> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let context = getContext(this);
let cacheDir = context.cacheDir;
let imagePackerApi: image.ImagePacker = image.createImagePacker()
let packOpts: image.PackingOption = {
format: "image/jpeg", quality: 98
// 通过PixelMap进行编码。compressedImageData为打包获取到的图片文件流。
let compressedImageData: ArrayBuffer = await imagePackerApi.packing(pixmap, packOpts);
let file = fs.openSync(cacheDir + '/' + new Date().getTime() + 'imageeditor.png',
fs.OpenMode.READ_WRITE | fs.OpenMode.CREATE);
let packOpts1: image.PackingOption = { format: "image/png", quality: 98 };
let imagePackerApi1: image.ImagePacker = image.createImagePacker()
const imageSourceApi: image.ImageSource = image.createImageSource(compressedImageData);
imagePackerApi1.packToFile(imageSourceApi, file.fd, packOpts1).then(() => {
// 直接打包进文件
// fs.closeSync(file);
// this.processValue = 70
// resolve(file.path)
}).catch((error: BusinessError) => {
console.error('Failed to pack the image. And the error is: ' + error);
export default class SegUtils {
async subjectSegmentationTest(): Promise<subjectSegmentation.SubjectResult> {
const TAG: string = "ImageSegmentationSample";
let chooseImage: image.PixelMap | undefined = undefined;
let maxNum: string = '1';
// Select an image from the gallery
let PhotoSelectOptions = new picker.PhotoSelectOptions();
PhotoSelectOptions.MIMEType = picker.PhotoViewMIMETypes.IMAGE_TYPE;
PhotoSelectOptions.maxSelectNumber = 1;
let photoPicker = new picker.PhotoViewPicker();
let PhotoSelectResult = await photoPicker.select(PhotoSelectOptions);
let uris = PhotoSelectResult.photoUris;
if (uris.length !== 1) {
hilog.info(0x0000, TAG, "Selected uris length is not 1");
// return ;
// Convert the selected image to PixelMap
let fileSource = await fileIo.open(uris[0], fileIo.OpenMode.READ_ONLY);
let imageSource = image.createImageSource(fileSource.fd);
chooseImage = await imageSource.createPixelMap();
hilog.info(0x0000, TAG, `chooseImage=${chooseImage}`);
if (!chooseImage) {
hilog.info(0x0000, TAG, "chooseImage is undefined");
// return;
// Call the image segmentation interface
let visionInfo: subjectSegmentation.VisionInfo = {
pixelMap: chooseImage,
let config: subjectSegmentation.SegmentationConfig = {
maxCount: parseInt(maxNum),
enableSubjectDetails: true,
enableSubjectForegroundImage: true,
let data: subjectSegmentation.SegmentationResult = await subjectSegmentation.doSegmentation(visionInfo, config);
let outputString = `Subject count: ${data.subjectCount}\n`;
outputString += `Max subject count: ${config.maxCount}\n`;
outputString += `Enable subject details: ${config.enableSubjectDetails ? 'Yes' : 'No'}\n\n`;
let segBox: subjectSegmentation.Rectangle = data.fullSubject.subjectRectangle;
let segBoxString =
`Full subject box:\nLeft: ${segBox.left}, Top: ${segBox.top}, Width: ${segBox.width}, Height: ${segBox.height}\n\n`;
outputString += segBoxString;
if (config.enableSubjectDetails) {
outputString += 'Individual subject boxes:\n';
if (data.subjectDetails) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.subjectDetails.length; i++) {
let detailSegBox: subjectSegmentation.Rectangle = data.subjectDetails[i].subjectRectangle;
outputString += `Subject ${i +
1}:\nLeft: ${detailSegBox.left}, Top: ${detailSegBox.top}, Width: ${detailSegBox.width}, Height: ${detailSegBox.height}\n\n`;
hilog.info(0x0000, TAG, "Segmentation result: " + outputString);
return data.fullSubject