/* file1: contactbook.h */
* Data Structure: Contact(Node) Contactbook(List) *
struct contact;
typedef struct contact Contact;
typedef Contact *Contactbook;
typedef Contact *Position;
* ID: Every contact have a unique ID number(genereated by system) *
* and it is linked to a storage location. *
typedef unsigned int ID;
/* fuzzy_search_results: A struct to save fuzzy search results */
const int MAX_CONTACTS = 1024;
struct fuzzy_search_results;
typedef struct fuzzy_search_results Contactbook_Findings;
Contactbook_Findings finding_results[MAX_CONTACTS];
* make_empty_contactbook: Make an empty contactbook. *
void make_empty_contactbook( Contactbook new_contactbook );
* add_contact: Add a contact to a current contactbook. *
void add_contact( Contact new_contact, Contactbook cur_contactbook );
/* sort_contact: Sort the whole contactbook by alpha order. */
void sort_contact( Contactbook cur_contactbook );
/* sort_contactbook_findings: Sort the findings by alpha order. */
void sort_contactbook_findings( Contactbook_Findings cur_contactbook );
* fuzzy_search_contact: Through search information, check all the *
* possible results, and save them into a *
* Findings(struct). *
void fuzzy_search_contact( char** search_string, Contactbook cur_contactbook, Contactbook_Findings* finding_results );
* delete_contact: Delete contact from a current contactbook. *
* Return ID for Simcard deleting. *
ID delete_contact( Contactbook cur_contactbook );
/* print_contacts: Print all the contacts in contactbook. */
void print_contacts( Contactbook cur_contactbook );
/* file2: contactbook.c */
#include <string.h>
#include "contactbook.h"
struct contact{
ID id_number;
char name[64];
char sex[16];
char tel[64];
char email_address[128];
char address[256];
struct fuzzy_search_results{
ID id_number;
char name[64];
Position this_contact;
/* functions ... */
/* compile error report: */
2 C:\Users\JY\Desktop\workspace\Virtual ContactBook\contactbook.c In file included from C:\Users\JY\Desktop\workspace\Virtual ContactBook\contactbook.c
22 C:\Users\JY\Desktop\workspace\Virtual ContactBook\contactbook.h variable-size type declared outside of any function
32 C:\Users\JY\Desktop\workspace\Virtual ContactBook\contactbook.h [Warning] parameter has incomplete type
38 C:\Users\JY\Desktop\workspace\Virtual ContactBook\contactbook.h [Warning] parameter has incomplete type
/* thank you for helping me to improve */
,参见 http://stackoverflow.com/a/5204352/296473 。struct contact