使用Sublime Text 3进行Web开发,提高工作效率所必需的插件。



  1. 实用的ST3插件可以极大地提升工作效率,如何选择它们并不是可以主观讨论的,而是一个需要客观解决的问题!

  2. 附录为目前我所安装的插件,它会根据大家的回答时常更新,贡献者会在这里被 @:

    @王叨叨 :推荐的AutoBackups很适合频繁调试修改代码的情况。

  3. 这些插件安装后需要注意或者设置的部分详见我的博客


Package Control 应该是每个人所必须安装的 ! 发现插件

{ 快速敲代码 }

  • HTML5

- "HTML5 bundle for Sublime Text"

  • HTMLAttributes

- "HTML(5) attribute completions"

  • JavaScript Completion

- "JavaScript Completions for sublime text. It helps you to write your scripts more quickly with hints and completions."

  • JavaScript Snippets

- "Snippets for JavaScript / JS Programming in Sublime Text 2 & 3"

  • j​Query

- "Sublime Text package bundle for jQuery."

  • jQuery Mobile 1.4 Snippets

- "Sublime jQuery Mobile Snippets"

  • Doc​Blockr

- "Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, Actionscript, C & C++."

  • Comment-Snippets

- "Several snippets to create fancy PHP, CSS and HTML comments."

  • Bootstrap 3 Snippets

- "Twitter Bootstrap 3 Snippets Plugin for Sublime Text."

  • Better Completion

- "Better auto-completion for Sublime Text."

  • All Autocomplete

- "Extend Sublime text autocompletion to find matches in all open files of the current window."

  • Auto​File​Name

- "Sublime Text plugin that autocompletes filenames."

  • Quote​HTML

- "Quote HTML snippet as a string."

{ 自动格式调整 }

  • Js​Format

- "Javascript formatting for Sublime Text."

  • HTMLBeautify

- "A plugin for Sublime Text that formats (indents) HTML source code. It makes code easier for humans to read."

{ 功能 }

  • SideBarEnhancements

- "Enhancements to Sublime Text sidebar, Files and folders."

  • View In Browser

- "Open the contents of your current view/tab in a web browser."

  • Origami

- "Split the window however you like! Create new panes, delete panes, move and clone views from pane to pane."

  • AutoBackups

- "Backup file every time you save or open (if backup file not exists) it."

  • EncodingHelper

- "Guess encoding of files, show in status bar, convert to UTF-8 from a variete of encodings."

  • JSLint

- "JSLint for Sublime Text 2 and 3."

{ 系统 }

  • Plain​Tasks

- "An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text."

  • ConvertToUTF8

- 解决文档打开中文显示乱码问题

  • Theme - Soda

- "Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text."

阅读 32.1k
2 个回答


    "bootstrapped": true,
        "All Autocomplete",
        "Color Highlighter",
        "HTML-CSS-JS Prettify",
        "JSHint Gutter",
        "Markdown Preview",
        "Package Control",
        "Sublimerge Pro",
        "Theme - Phoenix",
        "Vue Syntax Highlight"
  • 和开发者交流问题的细节
  • 关注并接收问题和回答的更新提醒
  • 参与内容的编辑和改进,让解决方法与时俱进
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