Перевод typecho на русский язык

Здравствуйте, я перевожу typecho на русский язык.
Не получается переключить его на другой язык, как переключаться между языками?

Hello, I am translating typecho into Russian.
It is impossible to switch it to another language, how to switch between languages?


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1 个回答

Yes, just follow these steps

  1. Check out the latest source code from https://github.com/typecho/typecho
  2. Find the pot file in ./usr/langs/messages.pot, and open it by Poedit or other software.
  3. Finish your translation and save it as ru_RU.po. A file names ru_RU.mo will be generated automatically.
  4. Go to your typecho general settings page (http://your-typecho-site/admin/options-general.php), and you will find the "language option" before "timezone option".lang-option


There is a special word lang in translation list, just translate it to your language name. For example русский.

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