我在servie或者receiver 中做测试,已经退出了应用的所有的activity,判断应用的状态,取到当前应用包名的RunningAppProcessInfo,但是它的importance值时100 ,也就是IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND。迷惑了~
我在servie或者receiver 中做测试,已经退出了应用的所有的activity,判断应用的状态,取到当前应用包名的RunningAppProcessInfo,但是它的importance值时100 ,也就是IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND。迷惑了~
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You can detect currently foreground/background application with
which returns a list of RunningAppProcessInfo records. To determine if your application is on the foreground checkRunningAppProcessInfo.importance field
for equality toRunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND
is equal to your application package name.Also if you call ActivityManager.getRunningAppProcesses() from your application
UI thread
it will return importance IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND for your task no matter whether it is actually in the foreground or not. Call it in thebackground thread
(for example via AsyncTask) and it will return correct results.详见Checking if an Android application is running in the background