使用IntelliJ IDEA 14编译出现警告

在使用IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.1开发项目的过程中,因为公司,生产,个人的问题,所以机器上安装JDK1.5~1.8的版本。但是只要指定使用JDK1.5时,Ctrl+Shift+F9编译某一个Java文件,编译结果就有提示:

JDK 1.5
Information:Using javac 1.8.0_40 to compile java sources
Information:4/3/2015 10:08 AM - Compilation completed successfully with 3 warnings in 1s 996ms
Warning:java: source value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
Warning:java: target value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
Warning:java: To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.


JDK 1.6
Information:Using javac 1.6.0_45 to compile java sources
Information:4/3/2015 10:01 AM - Compilation completed successfully in 2s 546ms
JDK 1.7
Information:Using javac 1.7.0_75 to compile java sources
Information:4/3/2015 10:02 AM - Compilation completed successfully in 1s 837ms
JDK 1.8
Information:Using javac 1.8.0_40 to compile java sources
Information:4/3/2015 10:06 AM - Compilation completed successfully in 3s 283ms

1.在IDEA中将1.5~1.8都加入到Platform Settings下的SDKs
2.在Project SettingsProject里面将项目SDK设置为1.5,语言级别也设置为5.0
4.在Complier中的Java Complier中将项目字节码也设置为1.5版本


经过验证,使用JDK1.5编译时,IDEA会调用配置给IDEA运行的JDK来编译文件,而忽略掉JDK1.5;非1.5则不会有这个问题,具体原因不清楚,不知是我的机器问题,还是IDEA 14已经Bug或是不支持JDK1.5了。

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参考:JEP 182: Policy for Retiring javac -source and -target Options

我摘取了 Summary 中的一句话:

To reduce the maintenance costs of javac, this JEP defines a policy for retiring old -source and -target options. In JDK 8, use of a source or target of 1.5 or earlier will be deprecated and in JDK 9, support for a source or target of 1.5 or earlier will be removed

大概意思是,JDK9 开始不再支持 1.5 及之前版本的 source 和 target;JDK8 开始进行警告(以便于开发者及有足够的时间做好准备)

如果你确实需要设置成 1.5,加个编译参数 -Xlint:-options 来隐藏警告。

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