11、iPhone 应用在 iPad 上不能正常显示
iPhone程序必须不经修改就能以iPhone分辨率和2倍iPhone 3GS的分辨率在iPad上运行。即使你的App 只为 iPhone 用户提供,在 iPad 上也必须能够正常显示,否则审核会被拒绝。
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 9.1, which is a violation of the App Store Review Guidelines. We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your reference.
Specifically, the buttons at the bottom of the app are inaccessible when running on iPad.
Next Steps
Please revise your app to ensure it runs at iPhone resolution on iPad.
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When you create the project in Xcode, choose "iPhone" as device type. Or you can do this by going through the following steps.
Select Edit Project settings from Projects .
Go to build settings.
Select Targeted Device Family and Choose iPhone.
That should do it.