锁添加在Spring 的 Controller 里:
public class UserAction {
Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
@RequestMapping(value = "add", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
public ResponseEntity addUser(User user) {
try {
//检查数据库是否已有用户 没有的话才加入
} finally {
Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
public Integer insertLock(String code) {
try {
System.out.println("get lock: " + lock.hashCode());
if (lockCheck(code)) return 0;
QSCategory qsCategory = new QSCategory();
return qsCategory.getId();
} finally {
System.out.println("release lock: " + lock.hashCode());
get lock: 1031529608
16:18:00.585 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.585 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.603 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.603 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.624 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 0
16:18:00.624 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 0
16:18:00.630 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - ==> Preparing: insert into TB_QS_Category (Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser, Advice) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
16:18:00.630 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - ==> Preparing: insert into TB_QS_Category (Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser, Advice) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
16:18:00.636 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - ==> Parameters: null, 1(String), cyh(String), 1(String), 0(Integer), 2015-09-02 16:18:00.0(Timestamp), 1(String), null, null, java.io.StringReader@1caa2881(StringReader)
16:18:00.636 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - ==> Parameters: null, 1(String), cyh(String), 1(String), 0(Integer), 2015-09-02 16:18:00.0(Timestamp), 1(String), null, null, java.io.StringReader@1caa2881(StringReader)
16:18:00.637 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - <== Updates: 1
16:18:00.637 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - <== Updates: 1
16:18:00.637 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.insert!selectKey - ==> Preparing: SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();
16:18:00.637 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.insert!selectKey - ==> Preparing: SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();
16:18:00.637 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.insert!selectKey - ==> Parameters:
16:18:00.637 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.insert!selectKey - ==> Parameters:
16:18:00.640 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.insert!selectKey - <== Total: 1
16:18:00.640 [btpool0-4] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.insert!selectKey - <== Total: 1
release lock: 1031529608
get lock: 1031529608
16:18:00.644 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.644 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.645 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.645 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.647 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 0
16:18:00.647 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 0
16:18:00.647 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - ==> Preparing: insert into TB_QS_Category (Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser, Advice) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
16:18:00.647 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - ==> Preparing: insert into TB_QS_Category (Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser, Advice) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
16:18:00.648 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - ==> Parameters: null, 1(String), cyh(String), 1(String), 0(Integer), 2015-09-02 16:18:00.0(Timestamp), 1(String), null, null, java.io.StringReader@36386935(StringReader)
16:18:00.648 [btpool0-3] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.QSCategoryMapper.insert - ==> Parameters: null, 1(String), cyh(String), 1(String), 0(Integer), 2015-09-02 16:18:00.0(Timestamp), 1(String), null, null, java.io.StringReader@36386935(StringReader)
16:18:00.855 [btpool0-3] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [org/springframework/jdbc/support/sql-error-codes.xml]
16:18:00.895 [btpool0-3] INFO o.s.j.support.SQLErrorCodesFactory - SQLErrorCodes loaded: [DB2, Derby, H2, HSQL, Informix, MS-SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase]
release lock: 1031529608
get lock: 1031529608
16:18:00.898 [btpool0-5] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.898 [btpool0-5] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.903 [btpool0-5] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.903 [btpool0-5] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.906 [btpool0-5] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 1
16:18:00.906 [btpool0-5] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 1
release lock: 1031529608
get lock: 1031529608
16:18:00.907 [btpool0-0] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.907 [btpool0-0] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.909 [btpool0-0] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.909 [btpool0-0] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.911 [btpool0-0] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 1
16:18:00.911 [btpool0-0] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 1
release lock: 1031529608
get lock: 1031529608
16:18:00.913 [btpool0-2] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.913 [btpool0-2] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Preparing: select Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser from TB_QS_Category WHERE ( Code = ? )
16:18:00.913 [btpool0-2] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.913 [btpool0-2] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - ==> Parameters: cyh(String)
16:18:00.916 [btpool0-2] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 1
16:18:00.916 [btpool0-2] DEBUG c.b.j.c.d.m.Q.selectByExample - <== Total: 1
release lock: 1031529608
16:18:00.991 [btpool0-3] INFO c.b.j.c.s.e.RestExceptionHandler -
### Error updating database. Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry 'cyh' for key 'Code'
### The error may involve com.bocean.jkyzx.common.dao.mapper.QSCategoryMapper.insert-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: insert into TB_QS_Category (Id, ParentCode, Code, Title, Status, CreationDate, CreationUser, ModificationDate, ModificaitonUser, Advice) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
### Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry 'cyh' for key 'Code'
; SQL []; Duplicate entry 'cyh' for key 'Code'; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry 'cyh' for key 'Code'
也有可能是UserAction这个类不是单例,你看看spring mvc是否每次请求都会重新创建一个UserAction实例,这样会导致Lock也被重新创建,那么多个请求使用的其实不是同一个lock,这样就看上去没用了;