serverfault上的答案 Using commands like cp and mv, use of the trailing slash in the destination acts as a bit of a safety net, since it forces the final path component to be interpreted as a directory. Compare mv myfile /some/path to mv myfile /some/path/ -- if /some/path does not exist, the first version will create a file, while the second version will fail with an error. If /some/path exists but is a file, the first version will replace it, while the second version will again fail with an error.
Using commands like cp and mv, use of the trailing slash in the destination acts as a bit of a safety net, since it forces the final path component to be interpreted as a directory. Compare mv myfile /some/path to mv myfile /some/path/ -- if /some/path does not exist, the first version will create a file, while the second version will fail with an error. If /some/path exists but is a file, the first version will replace it, while the second version will again fail with an error.