1. 安装框架
php composer.phar create-project phpixie/project your_project_folder
原文:And here are rules for Apache2 (put into .htaccess in project root
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !web/
RewriteRule (.*) /web/$1 [L]
我把apache的localhost指向了 localhost/phpixie/web,同时把上面的.htaccess塞在了phpixie路径下(根目录)。
这时候访问http://localhost 可以得到phpixie的欢迎界面
3. 配置一个控制器
// bundles/app/src/Project/App/HTTPProcessors/Quickstart.php
namespace Project\App\HTTPProcessors;
use PHPixie\HTTP\Request;
// we extend a class that allows Controller-like behavior
class Quickstart extends \PHPixie\DefaultBundle\Processor\HTTP\Actions
The Builder will be used to access
various parts of the framework later on
@var Project\App\HTTPProcessors\Builder
function __construct($builder)
{$this->builder = $builder;
// This is the default action
function defaultAction(Request $request)
{return "Quickstart tutorial";
//We will be adding methods here in a moment
// bundles/app/src/Project/App/HTTPProcessor.php
protected function buildQuickstartProcessor()
return new HTTPProcessors\Quickstart(
然后访问 **http://localhost/quickstart/** 却发现是404