jquery里面用 $.ajax post文件

怎么在jquery里面用 $.ajax 上传文件。

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用 FormData,一个例子:

I'm pretty late for this but I was looking for an ajax based image uploading solution and the answer I was looking for was kinda scattered throughout this post. The solution I settled on involved the FormData object. I assembled a basic form of the code I put together. You can see it demonstrates how to add a custom field to the form with fd.append() as well as how to handle response data when the ajax request is done.

Upload html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Image Upload Form</title>
    <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function submitForm() {
            console.log("submit event");
            var fd = new FormData(document.getElementById("fileinfo"));
            fd.append("label", "WEBUPLOAD");
              url: "upload.php",
              type: "POST",
              data: fd,
              enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
              processData: false,  // tell jQuery not to process the data
              contentType: false   // tell jQuery not to set contentType
            }).done(function( data ) {
                console.log("PHP Output:");
                console.log( data );
            return false;

    <form method="post" id="fileinfo" name="fileinfo" onsubmit="return submitForm();">
        <label>Select a file:</label><br>
        <input type="file" name="file" required />
        <input type="submit" value="Upload" />
    <div id="output"></div>





这个的话 利用FormData来简单做。只是这个特性并不支持IE低版本。慎用。

AJAX 在一些低版本的 IE 上不支持文件上传,可以考虑使用 iframe 上传文件!


通过这种方式,文件域被提交到一个 iframe 里!


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