C语言 在使用内核链表的时候遇到了段错误


// 省略一些头文件包含

typedef struct flight {
        char ID[10];
        char departure[20];
        char arrival[20];
        char dep_date[8];
        char dep_time[4];
        char arr_time[4];
        float price;
        struct list_head list;
} flight;

typedef struct node {
        flight info;
        struct list_head list;
} flight_node, *p_flight;

p_flight init_list () {
        p_flight head = malloc (sizeof (flight_node));
        INIT_LIST_HEAD (&(head->list));
        return head;

void add_flight (p_flight node) {
        p_flight new_node;
        new_node = malloc (sizeof(flight_node));

        system ("clear");
        printf (" \e[1;36m>\33[0m Importing new flight info:\n");
        printf (" Please input the \e[1;33mID\33[0m of the filght: ");
        scanf ("%s", new_node->info.ID);
        printf (" Please input the \e[1;33mdeparture\33[0m of the filght: ");
        scanf ("%s", new_node->info.departure);
        printf (" Please input the \e[1;33marrival\33[0m of the filght: ");
        scanf ("%s", new_node->info.arrival);
        printf (" Please input the \e[1;33mdeparture date\33[0m of the filght: ");
        scanf ("%s", new_node->info.dep_date);
        printf (" Please input the \e[1;33mdeparture time\33[0m of the filght: ");
        scanf ("%s", new_node->info.dep_time);
        printf (" Please input the \e[1;33marrival time\33[0m of the filght: ");
        scanf ("%s", new_node->info.arr_time);
        printf (" Please input the \e[1;33mprice\33[0m of the filght: ");
        scanf ("%f", new_node->info.price);
        list_add (&(new_node->list), &(node->list));    //执行到这里会遇到段错误

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
        printf ("\n\n\n");
        p_flight list = init_list();
        add_flight (list);
        return 0;



阅读 3.5k
1 个回答
        printf (" Please input the \e[1;33mprice\33[0m of the filght: ");
        scanf ("%f", new_node->info.price); // !! &new_node->info.price
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