* Return the Kth digit of N with base M
* e.g. digit<1024,3,10>() = 0
* digit<54321,2,10>() = 2
template<unsigned N, unsigned K, unsigned M>
constexpr unsigned digit() {
return (K==1) ? (N%M) : (digit<N/M,K-1,M>());
int main() {
printf("%u\n", digit<1024,3,10>());
return 0;
clang++ -std=c++11 -Wall -o recursive_template recursive_template.cpp
recursive_template.cpp:10:27: fatal error: recursive template instantiation exceeded
maximum depth of 256
return (K==1) ? (N%M) : (digit<N/M,K-1,M>());
* Return the number of digits when N is expressed in base M.
* e.g. base_digits<0,10> == 1
* base_digits<8,2> == 4
template<unsigned N, unsigned M>
constexpr unsigned base_digits() {
return (N<M)?1:(1+base_digits<N/M,M>());
int main() {
printf("%u\n", base_digits<1024,2>());
return 0;
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