其实是想找到兼容四个端的通用的,目前找到一篇PHP、JAVA、C#、Object-C 通用的DES加密,我自己试了一试,php加密的内容,安卓、IOS都解得开,只是当加密的内容含中文的时候移动端就会报错,貌似原文章评论说ios加密长数据会有报错,不过具体怎么样我就不太清楚了,因为我没遇到这错误==
其实是想找到兼容四个端的通用的,目前找到一篇PHP、JAVA、C#、Object-C 通用的DES加密,我自己试了一试,php加密的内容,安卓、IOS都解得开,只是当加密的内容含中文的时候移动端就会报错,貌似原文章评论说ios加密长数据会有报错,不过具体怎么样我就不太清楚了,因为我没遇到这错误==
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// | Copyright (c) 2009 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Think\Crypt\Driver;
* Des 加密实现类
* Converted from JavaScript to PHP by Jim Gibbs, June 2004 Paul Tero, July 2001
* Optimised for performance with large blocks by Michael Hayworth, November 2001
* http://www.netdealing.com
class Des {
* 加密字符串
* @param string $str 字符串
* @param string $key 加密key
* @param integer $expire 有效期(秒)
* @return string
public static function encrypt($str, $key,$expire=0) {
if ($str == "") {
return "";
$expire = sprintf('%010d', $expire ? $expire + time():0);
$str = $expire.$str;
return self::_des($key,$str,1);
* 解密字符串
* @param string $str 字符串
* @param string $key 加密key
* @return string
public static function decrypt($str, $key) {
if ($str == "") {
return "";
$data = self::_des($key,$str,0);
$expire = substr($data,0,10);
if($expire > 0 && $expire < time()) {
return '';
$data = substr($data,10);
return $data;
* Des算法
* @param string $str 字符串
* @param string $key 加密key
* @return string
private static function _des($key, $message, $encrypt, $mode=0, $iv=null) {
//declaring this locally speeds things up a bit
$spfunction1 = array (0x1010400,0,0x10000,0x1010404,0x1010004,0x10404,0x4,0x10000,0x400,0x1010400,0x1010404,0x400,0x1000404,0x1010004,0x1000000,0x4,0x404,0x1000400,0x1000400,0x10400,0x10400,0x1010000,0x1010000,0x1000404,0x10004,0x1000004,0x1000004,0x10004,0,0x404,0x10404,0x1000000,0x10000,0x1010404,0x4,0x1010000,0x1010400,0x1000000,0x1000000,0x400,0x1010004,0x10000,0x10400,0x1000004,0x400,0x4,0x1000404,0x10404,0x1010404,0x10004,0x1010000,0x1000404,0x1000004,0x404,0x10404,0x1010400,0x404,0x1000400,0x1000400,0,0x10004,0x10400,0,0x1010004);
$spfunction2 = array (-0x7fef7fe0,-0x7fff8000,0x8000,0x108020,0x100000,0x20,-0x7fefffe0,-0x7fff7fe0,-0x7fffffe0,-0x7fef7fe0,-0x7fef8000,-0x80000000,-0x7fff8000,0x100000,0x20,-0x7fefffe0,0x108000,0x100020,-0x7fff7fe0,0,-0x80000000,0x8000,0x108020,-0x7ff00000,0x100020,-0x7fffffe0,0,0x108000,0x8020,-0x7fef8000,-0x7ff00000,0x8020,0,0x108020,-0x7fefffe0,0x100000,-0x7fff7fe0,-0x7ff00000,-0x7fef8000,0x8000,-0x7ff00000,-0x7fff8000,0x20,-0x7fef7fe0,0x108020,0x20,0x8000,-0x80000000,0x8020,-0x7fef8000,0x100000,-0x7fffffe0,0x100020,-0x7fff7fe0,-0x7fffffe0,0x100020,0x108000,0,-0x7fff8000,0x8020,-0x80000000,-0x7fefffe0,-0x7fef7fe0,0x108000);
$spfunction3 = array (0x208,0x8020200,0,0x8020008,0x8000200,0,0x20208,0x8000200,0x20008,0x8000008,0x8000008,0x20000,0x8020208,0x20008,0x8020000,0x208,0x8000000,0x8,0x8020200,0x200,0x20200,0x8020000,0x8020008,0x20208,0x8000208,0x20200,0x20000,0x8000208,0x8,0x8020208,0x200,0x8000000,0x8020200,0x8000000,0x20008,0x208,0x20000,0x8020200,0x8000200,0,0x200,0x20008,0x8020208,0x8000200,0x8000008,0x200,0,0x8020008,0x8000208,0x20000,0x8000000,0x8020208,0x8,0x20208,0x20200,0x8000008,0x8020000,0x8000208,0x208,0x8020000,0x20208,0x8,0x8020008,0x20200);
$spfunction4 = array (0x802001,0x2081,0x2081,0x80,0x802080,0x800081,0x800001,0x2001,0,0x802000,0x802000,0x802081,0x81,0,0x800080,0x800001,0x1,0x2000,0x800000,0x802001,0x80,0x800000,0x2001,0x2080,0x800081,0x1,0x2080,0x800080,0x2000,0x802080,0x802081,0x81,0x800080,0x800001,0x802000,0x802081,0x81,0,0,0x802000,0x2080,0x800080,0x800081,0x1,0x802001,0x2081,0x2081,0x80,0x802081,0x81,0x1,0x2000,0x800001,0x2001,0x802080,0x800081,0x2001,0x2080,0x800000,0x802001,0x80,0x800000,0x2000,0x802080);
$spfunction5 = array (0x100,0x2080100,0x2080000,0x42000100,0x80000,0x100,0x40000000,0x2080000,0x40080100,0x80000,0x2000100,0x40080100,0x42000100,0x42080000,0x80100,0x40000000,0x2000000,0x40080000,0x40080000,0,0x40000100,0x42080100,0x42080100,0x2000100,0x42080000,0x40000100,0,0x42000000,0x2080100,0x2000000,0x42000000,0x80100,0x80000,0x42000100,0x100,0x2000000,0x40000000,0x2080000,0x42000100,0x40080100,0x2000100,0x40000000,0x42080000,0x2080100,0x40080100,0x100,0x2000000,0x42080000,0x42080100,0x80100,0x42000000,0x42080100,0x2080000,0,0x40080000,0x42000000,0x80100,0x2000100,0x40000100,0x80000,0,0x40080000,0x2080100,0x40000100);
$spfunction6 = array (0x20000010,0x20400000,0x4000,0x20404010,0x20400000,0x10,0x20404010,0x400000,0x20004000,0x404010,0x400000,0x20000010,0x400010,0x20004000,0x20000000,0x4010,0,0x400010,0x20004010,0x4000,0x404000,0x20004010,0x10,0x20400010,0x20400010,0,0x404010,0x20404000,0x4010,0x404000,0x20404000,0x20000000,0x20004000,0x10,0x20400010,0x404000,0x20404010,0x400000,0x4010,0x20000010,0x400000,0x20004000,0x20000000,0x4010,0x20000010,0x20404010,0x404000,0x20400000,0x404010,0x20404000,0,0x20400010,0x10,0x4000,0x20400000,0x404010,0x4000,0x400010,0x20004010,0,0x20404000,0x20000000,0x400010,0x20004010);
$spfunction7 = array (0x200000,0x4200002,0x4000802,0,0x800,0x4000802,0x200802,0x4200800,0x4200802,0x200000,0,0x4000002,0x2,0x4000000,0x4200002,0x802,0x4000800,0x200802,0x200002,0x4000800,0x4000002,0x4200000,0x4200800,0x200002,0x4200000,0x800,0x802,0x4200802,0x200800,0x2,0x4000000,0x200800,0x4000000,0x200800,0x200000,0x4000802,0x4000802,0x4200002,0x4200002,0x2,0x200002,0x4000000,0x4000800,0x200000,0x4200800,0x802,0x200802,0x4200800,0x802,0x4000002,0x4200802,0x4200000,0x200800,0,0x2,0x4200802,0,0x200802,0x4200000,0x800,0x4000002,0x4000800,0x800,0x200002);
$spfunction8 = array (0x10001040,0x1000,0x40000,0x10041040,0x10000000,0x10001040,0x40,0x10000000,0x40040,0x10040000,0x10041040,0x41000,0x10041000,0x41040,0x1000,0x40,0x10040000,0x10000040,0x10001000,0x1040,0x41000,0x40040,0x10040040,0x10041000,0x1040,0,0,0x10040040,0x10000040,0x10001000,0x41040,0x40000,0x41040,0x40000,0x10041000,0x1000,0x40,0x10040040,0x1000,0x41040,0x10001000,0x40,0x10000040,0x10040000,0x10040040,0x10000000,0x40000,0x10001040,0,0x10041040,0x40040,0x10000040,0x10040000,0x10001000,0x10001040,0,0x10041040,0x41000,0x41000,0x1040,0x1040,0x40040,0x10000000,0x10041000);
$masks = array (4294967295,2147483647,1073741823,536870911,268435455,134217727,67108863,33554431,16777215,8388607,4194303,2097151,1048575,524287,262143,131071,65535,32767,16383,8191,4095,2047,1023,511,255,127,63,31,15,7,3,1,0);
//create the 16 or 48 subkeys we will need
$keys = self::_createKeys ($key);
$len = strlen($message);
$chunk = 0;
//set up the loops for single and triple des
$iterations = ((count($keys) == 32) ? 3 : 9); //single or triple des
if ($iterations == 3) {$looping = (($encrypt) ? array (0, 32, 2) : array (30, -2, -2));}
else {$looping = (($encrypt) ? array (0, 32, 2, 62, 30, -2, 64, 96, 2) : array (94, 62, -2, 32, 64, 2, 30, -2, -2));}
$message .= (chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0)); //pad the message out with null bytes
//store the result here
$result = "";
$tempresult = "";
if ($mode == 1) { //CBC mode
$cbcleft = (ord($iv{$m++}) << 24) | (ord($iv{$m++}) << 16) | (ord($iv{$m++}) << 8) | ord($iv{$m++});
$cbcright = (ord($iv{$m++}) << 24) | (ord($iv{$m++}) << 16) | (ord($iv{$m++}) << 8) | ord($iv{$m++});
//loop through each 64 bit chunk of the message
while ($m < $len) {
$left = (ord($message{$m++}) << 24) | (ord($message{$m++}) << 16) | (ord($message{$m++}) << 8) | ord($message{$m++});
$right = (ord($message{$m++}) << 24) | (ord($message{$m++}) << 16) | (ord($message{$m++}) << 8) | ord($message{$m++});
//for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous result
if ($mode == 1) {if ($encrypt) {$left ^= $cbcleft; $right ^= $cbcright;} else {$cbcleft2 = $cbcleft; $cbcright2 = $cbcright; $cbcleft = $left; $cbcright = $right;}}
//first each 64 but chunk of the message must be permuted according to IP
$temp = (($left >> 4 & $masks[4]) ^ $right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 4);
$temp = (($left >> 16 & $masks[16]) ^ $right) & 0x0000ffff; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($right >> 2 & $masks[2]) ^ $left) & 0x33333333; $left ^= $temp; $right ^= ($temp << 2);
$temp = (($right >> 8 & $masks[8]) ^ $left) & 0x00ff00ff; $left ^= $temp; $right ^= ($temp << 8);
$temp = (($left >> 1 & $masks[1]) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 1);
$left = (($left << 1) | ($left >> 31 & $masks[31]));
$right = (($right << 1) | ($right >> 31 & $masks[31]));
//do this either 1 or 3 times for each chunk of the message
for ($j=0; $j<$iterations; $j+=3) {
$endloop = $looping[$j+1];
$loopinc = $looping[$j+2];
//now go through and perform the encryption or decryption
for ($i=$looping[$j]; $i!=$endloop; $i+=$loopinc) { //for efficiency
$right1 = $right ^ $keys[$i];
$right2 = (($right >> 4 & $masks[4]) | ($right << 28)) ^ $keys[$i+1];
//the result is attained by passing these bytes through the S selection functions
$temp = $left;
$left = $right;
$right = $temp ^ ($spfunction2[($right1 >> 24 & $masks[24]) & 0x3f] | $spfunction4[($right1 >> 16 & $masks[16]) & 0x3f]
| $spfunction6[($right1 >> 8 & $masks[8]) & 0x3f] | $spfunction8[$right1 & 0x3f]
| $spfunction1[($right2 >> 24 & $masks[24]) & 0x3f] | $spfunction3[($right2 >> 16 & $masks[16]) & 0x3f]
| $spfunction5[($right2 >> 8 & $masks[8]) & 0x3f] | $spfunction7[$right2 & 0x3f]);
$temp = $left; $left = $right; $right = $temp; //unreverse left and right
} //for either 1 or 3 iterations
//move then each one bit to the right
$left = (($left >> 1 & $masks[1]) | ($left << 31));
$right = (($right >> 1 & $masks[1]) | ($right << 31));
//now perform IP-1, which is IP in the opposite direction
$temp = (($left >> 1 & $masks[1]) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 1);
$temp = (($right >> 8 & $masks[8]) ^ $left) & 0x00ff00ff; $left ^= $temp; $right ^= ($temp << 8);
$temp = (($right >> 2 & $masks[2]) ^ $left) & 0x33333333; $left ^= $temp; $right ^= ($temp << 2);
$temp = (($left >> 16 & $masks[16]) ^ $right) & 0x0000ffff; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 16);
$temp = (($left >> 4 & $masks[4]) ^ $right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 4);
//for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous result
if ($mode == 1) {if ($encrypt) {$cbcleft = $left; $cbcright = $right;} else {$left ^= $cbcleft2; $right ^= $cbcright2;}}
$tempresult .= (chr($left>>24 & $masks[24]) . chr(($left>>16 & $masks[16]) & 0xff) . chr(($left>>8 & $masks[8]) & 0xff) . chr($left & 0xff) . chr($right>>24 & $masks[24]) . chr(($right>>16 & $masks[16]) & 0xff) . chr(($right>>8 & $masks[8]) & 0xff) . chr($right & 0xff));
$chunk += 8;
if ($chunk == 512) {$result .= $tempresult; $tempresult = ""; $chunk = 0;}
} //for every 8 characters, or 64 bits in the message
//return the result as an array
return ($result . $tempresult);
} //end of des
* createKeys
* this takes as input a 64 bit key (even though only 56 bits are used)
* as an array of 2 integers, and returns 16 48 bit keys
* @param string $key 加密key
* @return string
private static function _createKeys ($key) {
//declaring this locally speeds things up a bit
$pc2bytes0 = array (0,0x4,0x20000000,0x20000004,0x10000,0x10004,0x20010000,0x20010004,0x200,0x204,0x20000200,0x20000204,0x10200,0x10204,0x20010200,0x20010204);
$pc2bytes1 = array (0,0x1,0x100000,0x100001,0x4000000,0x4000001,0x4100000,0x4100001,0x100,0x101,0x100100,0x100101,0x4000100,0x4000101,0x4100100,0x4100101);
$pc2bytes2 = array (0,0x8,0x800,0x808,0x1000000,0x1000008,0x1000800,0x1000808,0,0x8,0x800,0x808,0x1000000,0x1000008,0x1000800,0x1000808);
$pc2bytes3 = array (0,0x200000,0x8000000,0x8200000,0x2000,0x202000,0x8002000,0x8202000,0x20000,0x220000,0x8020000,0x8220000,0x22000,0x222000,0x8022000,0x8222000);
$pc2bytes4 = array (0,0x40000,0x10,0x40010,0,0x40000,0x10,0x40010,0x1000,0x41000,0x1010,0x41010,0x1000,0x41000,0x1010,0x41010);
$pc2bytes5 = array (0,0x400,0x20,0x420,0,0x400,0x20,0x420,0x2000000,0x2000400,0x2000020,0x2000420,0x2000000,0x2000400,0x2000020,0x2000420);
$pc2bytes6 = array (0,0x10000000,0x80000,0x10080000,0x2,0x10000002,0x80002,0x10080002,0,0x10000000,0x80000,0x10080000,0x2,0x10000002,0x80002,0x10080002);
$pc2bytes7 = array (0,0x10000,0x800,0x10800,0x20000000,0x20010000,0x20000800,0x20010800,0x20000,0x30000,0x20800,0x30800,0x20020000,0x20030000,0x20020800,0x20030800);
$pc2bytes8 = array (0,0x40000,0,0x40000,0x2,0x40002,0x2,0x40002,0x2000000,0x2040000,0x2000000,0x2040000,0x2000002,0x2040002,0x2000002,0x2040002);
$pc2bytes9 = array (0,0x10000000,0x8,0x10000008,0,0x10000000,0x8,0x10000008,0x400,0x10000400,0x408,0x10000408,0x400,0x10000400,0x408,0x10000408);
$pc2bytes10 = array (0,0x20,0,0x20,0x100000,0x100020,0x100000,0x100020,0x2000,0x2020,0x2000,0x2020,0x102000,0x102020,0x102000,0x102020);
$pc2bytes11 = array (0,0x1000000,0x200,0x1000200,0x200000,0x1200000,0x200200,0x1200200,0x4000000,0x5000000,0x4000200,0x5000200,0x4200000,0x5200000,0x4200200,0x5200200);
$pc2bytes12 = array (0,0x1000,0x8000000,0x8001000,0x80000,0x81000,0x8080000,0x8081000,0x10,0x1010,0x8000010,0x8001010,0x80010,0x81010,0x8080010,0x8081010);
$pc2bytes13 = array (0,0x4,0x100,0x104,0,0x4,0x100,0x104,0x1,0x5,0x101,0x105,0x1,0x5,0x101,0x105);
$masks = array (4294967295,2147483647,1073741823,536870911,268435455,134217727,67108863,33554431,16777215,8388607,4194303,2097151,1048575,524287,262143,131071,65535,32767,16383,8191,4095,2047,1023,511,255,127,63,31,15,7,3,1,0);
//how many iterations (1 for des, 3 for triple des)
$iterations = ((strlen($key) >= 24) ? 3 : 1);
//stores the return keys
$keys = array (); // size = 32 * iterations but you don't specify this in php
//now define the left shifts which need to be done
$shifts = array (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
//other variables
for ($j=0; $j<$iterations; $j++) { //either 1 or 3 iterations
$left = (ord($key{$m++}) << 24) | (ord($key{$m++}) << 16) | (ord($key{$m++}) << 8) | ord($key{$m++});
$right = (ord($key{$m++}) << 24) | (ord($key{$m++}) << 16) | (ord($key{$m++}) << 8) | ord($key{$m++});
$temp = (($left >> 4 & $masks[4]) ^ $right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 4);
$temp = (($right >> 16 & $masks[16]) ^ $left) & 0x0000ffff; $left ^= $temp; $right ^= ($temp << -16);
$temp = (($left >> 2 & $masks[2]) ^ $right) & 0x33333333; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 2);
$temp = (($right >> 16 & $masks[16]) ^ $left) & 0x0000ffff; $left ^= $temp; $right ^= ($temp << -16);
$temp = (($left >> 1 & $masks[1]) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 1);
$temp = (($right >> 8 & $masks[8]) ^ $left) & 0x00ff00ff; $left ^= $temp; $right ^= ($temp << 8);
$temp = (($left >> 1 & $masks[1]) ^ $right) & 0x55555555; $right ^= $temp; $left ^= ($temp << 1);
//the right side needs to be shifted and to get the last four bits of the left side
$temp = ($left << 8) | (($right >> 20 & $masks[20]) & 0x000000f0);
//left needs to be put upside down
$left = ($right << 24) | (($right << 8) & 0xff0000) | (($right >> 8 & $masks[8]) & 0xff00) | (($right >> 24 & $masks[24]) & 0xf0);
$right = $temp;
//now go through and perform these shifts on the left and right keys
for ($i=0; $i < count($shifts); $i++) {
//shift the keys either one or two bits to the left
if ($shifts[$i] > 0) {
$left = (($left << 2) | ($left >> 26 & $masks[26]));
$right = (($right << 2) | ($right >> 26 & $masks[26]));
} else {
$left = (($left << 1) | ($left >> 27 & $masks[27]));
$right = (($right << 1) | ($right >> 27 & $masks[27]));
$left = $left & -0xf;
$right = $right & -0xf;
//now apply PC-2, in such a way that E is easier when encrypting or decrypting
//this conversion will look like PC-2 except only the last 6 bits of each byte are used
//rather than 48 consecutive bits and the order of lines will be according to
//how the S selection functions will be applied: S2, S4, S6, S8, S1, S3, S5, S7
$lefttemp = $pc2bytes0[$left >> 28 & $masks[28]] | $pc2bytes1[($left >> 24 & $masks[24]) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes2[($left >> 20 & $masks[20]) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes3[($left >> 16 & $masks[16]) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes4[($left >> 12 & $masks[12]) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes5[($left >> 8 & $masks[8]) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes6[($left >> 4 & $masks[4]) & 0xf];
$righttemp = $pc2bytes7[$right >> 28 & $masks[28]] | $pc2bytes8[($right >> 24 & $masks[24]) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes9[($right >> 20 & $masks[20]) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes10[($right >> 16 & $masks[16]) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes11[($right >> 12 & $masks[12]) & 0xf] | $pc2bytes12[($right >> 8 & $masks[8]) & 0xf]
| $pc2bytes13[($right >> 4 & $masks[4]) & 0xf];
$temp = (($righttemp >> 16 & $masks[16]) ^ $lefttemp) & 0x0000ffff;
$keys[$n++] = $lefttemp ^ $temp; $keys[$n++] = $righttemp ^ ($temp << 16);
} //for each iterations
//return the keys we've created
return $keys;
} //end of des_createKeys
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