使用 redis-cli
设置 mykey
, 并且设置其过期时间为 40s
, 然后, 我再重新设置 mykey
, 这时 mykey
的值会被重置, 我不明白的是为啥 过期时间也同时重置了?如果我仅仅想重置值, 不更改过期时间有没办法?
SET mykey "Hello"
EXPIRE mykey 40
EXISTS mykey
SET mykey "Hello"
EXISTS mykey
EXISTS mykey
使用 redis-cli
设置 mykey
, 并且设置其过期时间为 40s
, 然后, 我再重新设置 mykey
, 这时 mykey
的值会被重置, 我不明白的是为啥 过期时间也同时重置了?如果我仅仅想重置值, 不更改过期时间有没办法?
SET mykey "Hello"
EXPIRE mykey 40
EXISTS mykey
SET mykey "Hello"
EXISTS mykey
EXISTS mykey
The timeout will only be cleared by commands that delete or overwrite the contents of the key, including DEL, SET, GETSET and all the *STORE commands. This means that all the operations that conceptually alter the value stored at the key without replacing it with a new one will leave the timeout untouched. For instance, incrementing the value of a key with INCR, pushing a new value into a list with LPUSH, or altering the field value of a hash with HSET are all operations that will leave the timeout untouched.
如果用DEL, SET, GETSET会将key对应存储的值替换成新的,命令也会清除掉超时时间;如果list结构中添加一个数据或者改变hset数据的一个字段是不会清除超时时间的;如果想要通过set去覆盖值那就必须重新设置expire。
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EXPIREAT和EXPIRE 更新value都会重置过期时间。