go template中{{ $mac }} 和 {{ .mac }} 有什么区别吗?

go template中{{ $mac }} 和 {{ .mac }} 有什么区别吗?

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dollar表示变量,即{{ $a }}

点表示结构体(变量)的一个成员,只传入一个结构体的话,可以省略结构体变量的名,{{ $a.a }}可以省略为{{ .a }}

- A boolean, string, character, integer, floating-point, imaginary
  or complex constant in Go syntax. These behave like Go's untyped
- The keyword nil, representing an untyped Go nil.
- The character '.' (period):
  The result is the value of dot.
- A variable name, which is a (possibly empty) alphanumeric string
  preceded by a dollar sign, such as
  The result is the value of the variable.
  Variables are described below.
- The name of a field of the data, which must be a struct, preceded
  by a period, such as
  The result is the value of the field. Field invocations may be
  Fields can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
- The name of a key of the data, which must be a map, preceded
  by a period, such as
  The result is the map element value indexed by the key.
  Key invocations may be chained and combined with fields to any
  Although the key must be an alphanumeric identifier, unlike with
  field names they do not need to start with an upper case letter.
  Keys can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
- The name of a niladic method of the data, preceded by a period,
  such as
  The result is the value of invoking the method with dot as the
  receiver, dot.Method(). Such a method must have one return value (of
  any type) or two return values, the second of which is an error.
  If it has two and the returned error is non-nil, execution terminates
  and an error is returned to the caller as the value of Execute.
  Method invocations may be chained and combined with fields and keys
  to any depth:
  Methods can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
- The name of a niladic function, such as
  The result is the value of invoking the function, fun(). The return
  types and values behave as in methods. Functions and function
  names are described below.
- A parenthesized instance of one the above, for grouping. The result
  may be accessed by a field or map key invocation.
    print (.F1 arg1) (.F2 arg2)
    (.StructValuedMethod "arg").Field



  1. 点号用于输出当前对象的值

  2. 美元符号用于输出模板中定义变量的值

    m := map[string]string{
        "who": "map",
    t, err := template.New("test").Parse(`{{.who}}{{$who := "template"}}{{$who}}`)
    if err != nil {
    if err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, m); err != nil {
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