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color: #fff;
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<div class="container" style="display: block;margin-top: 10px;margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;background-color: #180137;">
<!-- 活动1 -->
<div class="row" id="activity1">
<div class="col-xs-12 title1">银月亮礼包</div>
<div class="container1">
<div class="left">
<img class="media-object img-responsive" style="height:240px;width:100%;" src="images/silver-moon-activity1.jpg">
<div class="buy-click-area" v-bind:class="{'had-buy': isBuy1}" v-on:click="buyGift(1)">
<span v-if="isBuy1">已购买</span>
<span v-if="!isBuy1">立即购买</span>
<div class="right">
<img class="media-object img-responsive" style="height:240px;width:100%;" src="images/silver-moon-activity2.jpg">
<div class="buy-click-area" v-bind:class="{'had-buy': isBuy2}" v-on:click="buyGift(2)">
<span v-if="isBuy2">已购买</span>
<span v-if="!isBuy2">立即购买</span>
<div class="col-xs-12 title1">金月亮礼包</div>
<div class="container1">
<div class="left">
<img class="media-object img-responsive" style="height:240px;width:100%;" src="images/gold-moon-activity1.jpg">
<div class="buy-click-area" v-bind:class="{'had-buy': isBuy3}" v-on:click="buyGift(3)">
<span v-if="isBuy3">已购买</span>
<span v-if="!isBuy3">立即购买</span>
<div class="right">
<img class="media-object img-responsive" style="height:240px;width:100%;" src="images/gold-moon-activity2.jpg">
<div class="buy-click-area" v-bind:class="{'had-buy': isBuy4}" v-on:click="buyGift(4)">
<span v-if="isBuy4">已购买</span>
<span v-if="!isBuy4">立即购买</span>
<!-- /活动1 -->
<div class="col-xs-12" style="background-color: #280d3a;padding: 10px 0;margin: 20px 0;">
<p class="text-center" style="font-size: 18px;color: #FFFFFF;">超值夺宝疯狂抢</p>
<p class="text-center" style="font-size: 13px;color: #817888;">活动期间共计 6 档道具,低至一钻,等你抢购!</p>
<!-- 活动2 -->
<table class="table table-condensed" id="activity2">
<tr v-for="(row,i) in listDaoJu">
<td v-for="(cell,j) in row" class="daoju-item">
<div :id="'T_'+(i*3+j)">
<img class="media-object img-responsive" style="height: 102px;width: 140px;" v-bind:src="cell.images" alt="道具">
<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="6" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" v-bind:style="{width: (cell.buy/cell.total)*100 + '%'}"></div>
<div class="text-center counter">{{cell.buy}}/{{cell.total}}</div>
<div class="amount-buy row">
<div class="col-xs-4 div1">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-circle min-buy" @click="min(cell)">-</button>
<div class="col-xs-4 div2">{{cell.count}}</div>
<div class="col-xs-4 div1">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-circle max-buy" @click="max(cell)">+</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-buy" @click="buyDaoJu(cell.id, cell.count)">立即购买</button>
<!-- /活动2 -->
<div class="row foot">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<footer class="footer text-center">
<p style="color: #fff">最终解释权归遇见所有 © 2017 iAround, Inc.</p>
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<script src="js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/vue.min.js"></script>
// 活动一部分
new Vue({
el: '#activity1',
data: {
isBuy1: 0,
isBuy2: 0,
isBuy3: 0,
isBuy4: 0,
gifts: []
created() {
methods: {
// 买礼包方法
buyGift: function (id) {
var self = this;
// 用户已购买的,禁止当天再次购买
if (this.gifts[id] == '1') {
alert('您当天已购买, 不能重复购买');
} else {
if (confirm('是否购买礼物?')) {
// 购买打折产品
url: 'xxxxx',
data: { jobId: id },
type: 'POST',
success: function (data) {
if (data.status == 200) {
} else if (data.status == -100) {
request: function () {
var self = this;
url: 'xxxxxx',
data: { key: 'hello121', uid: 123 },
type: 'POST',
success: function (data) {
if (data.status == 200) {
this.gifts = data.info;
for (key in this.gifts) {
switch (key) {
case '1':
this.isBuy1 = this.gifts[key];
case '2':
this.isBuy2 = this.gifts[key];
case '3':
this.isBuy3 = this.gifts[key];
case '4':
this.isBuy4 = this.gifts[key];
computed: {
isBuy1: function () {
return this.isBuy1;
isBuy2: function () {
return this.isBuy2;
isBuy3: function () {
return this.isBuy3;
isBuy4: function () {
return this.isBuy4;
// 活动二部分
new Vue({
el: '#activity2',
data: {
// 道具列表, 道具数目固定为9个
list: []
created() {
methods: {
// 购买数量减少方法
min: function (item) {
if (item.buy > item.total) {
// 购买数量增加方法
max: function (item) {
if (item.buy < item.total) {
request: function () {
var self = this;
// 获取道具数据列表
url: 'xxxxx',
data: {},
type: 'POST',
success: function (data) {
if (data.status == 200) {
this.list = data.info;
// 购买道具方法
buyDaoJu: function (jobId, count) {
var self = this;
url: 'xxxxxx',
data: { jobId: jobId, count: count },
type: 'POST',
success: function (data) {
if (data.status == 200) {
} else {
computed: {
listDaoJu: function () {
var list = this.list;
var arrTemp = [];
var index = 0;
var sectionCount = 3;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
index = parseInt(i / sectionCount);
if (arrTemp.length <= index) {
return arrTemp;