我想实现让我的vue项目 首页加载得很更快点 网上了查找了一些关于vue首屏优化的问题 好像一般是两种解决方案 一个是SSR服务端渲染 还有一个是利用prerender spa plugin插件进行预渲染 感觉SSR那种方式我的项目应该用不到这么复杂的 就看了下预渲染
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
// Absolute path to compiled SPA
path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),
// List of routes to prerender
[ '/', '/about', '/contact' ]
我是想让首页渲染加载得更快一点 不明白它里面为什么会有一个路由的设置 如果在路由的话就路由到其它组件了 这还跟首页渲染有什么关系呢
我的首页里主要就是头部 中间内容部分 以及底部 主要是中间内容部分的轮播图 产品列表的数据是通过axios调取后台接口获取的数据
我是应该把首页的路由路径放到那个配置里面去吗 好蒙
<div class="home">
<qc-banner :imgUrl="imgUrl"></qc-banner>
<qc-notice :notices="notices"></qc-notice>
<div class="main">
<ul class="data clearfix" id="shortcut">
<li v-for="item in shortcuts">
<img :src="item.imageURL">
<router-link :to="item.url"></router-link>
<div class="floor">
<div class="floorA" v-show="item.lists.length" v-for="item in productCategories">
<div class="title clearfix">
<p class="prTitle">{{item.prTitle}}</p>
<router-link :to="{path:'/invest',query: {productCategoryId: item.productCategoryId}}">更多 > ></router-link>
<ul class="bidList clearfix">
v-for="(list, index) in item.lists"
:class="{btwo: index % 3 === 1}"
v-if="index < 3"
<div ref="box" class="circle" :per="list.percent">
<p class="p1">{{list.repayRate.toFixed(2)}}<span>%</span></p>
<p class="p2">预期年化收益率</p>
<!-- <circle-load class="circle"
stroke-color="rgb(255, 114, 29)">
<p class="p1">{{list.repayRate.toFixed(2)}}<span>%</span></p>
<p class="p2">预期年化收益率</p>
</circle-load> -->
<div class="deadline clearfix">
<p class="p1" v-if="list.periodUnit==1" ><i>{{list.period}}</i>个月<span>投资期限</span></p>
<p class="p1" v-if="list.periodUnit==0"><i>{{list.period}}</i>天<span>投资期限</span></p>
<p class="p2">{{list.releaseAmount}}元<span>产品总额</span></p>
v-if="list.status == 2"
:to="{path:'invest/scattered',query: {productId: list.id}}">
v-if="list.status == 3"
:to="{path:'invest/scattered',query: {productId: list.id}}" class="btn">
v-if="list.status == 4"
:to="{path:'invest/scattered',query: {productId: list.id}}" class="btn">
v-if="list.status == 5"
:to="{path:'invest/scattered',query: {productId: list.id}}" class="btn">
<div class="media clearfix">
<div class="mediaLf">
<div class="title clearfix">
<p class="prTitle">媒体报道</p>
<div class="detail clearfix">
<img :src="report.imageURL" alt="">
<div class="mediaTxt">
<a :href="report.url" class="cl" target="_blank" style=" float:none;"><h2>{{report.title}}</h2>
<div v-html="report.content"></div>
<a :href="report.url" class="detl cl" target="_blank">查看详情 > >
<div class="mediaRt">
<div class="title clearfix">
<a class="prTitle" href="#">网站公告</a>
<ul id="notice_footer">
<li v-for="item in notices">
<router-link :to="{path:'/information/notice/noticeDetail',query:{id: item.id}}">
import qcBanner from 'components/uiView/Banner/Banner'
import qcNotice from 'components/uiView/HomeNotice/HomeNotice'
import Circle from 'iview/src/components/circle'
import system from 'service/system'
import product from 'service/product'
import article from 'service/article'
import ProgressBar from 'progressbar.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
imgUrl: [],
notices: [],
shortcuts: [],
productCategories: [],
report: {},
lists: []
created() {
system.getCarousel().then((res) => {
this.imgUrl = res.data.carousel
system.getNotice().then((res) => {
this.notices = res.data.list
system.getShortcut().then((res) => {
this.shortcuts = res.data
product.getProductCategory().then((res) => {
article.getReportList().then((res) => {
this.report = res.data.list[0]
mounted() {
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
var top = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop
setTimeout(() => {
var box = this.$refs.box
box.forEach((item) => {
var bar = new ProgressBar.Circle(item, {
color: '#EAEEF2',
strokeWidth: 3,
trailWidth: 3,
easing: 'easeInOut',
duration: 1400,
text: {
autoStyleContainer: false
from: { color: '#FF721D', width: 3 },
to: { color: '#FF721D', width: 3 },
// Set default step function for all animate calls
step: function(state, circle) {
circle.path.setAttribute('stroke', state.color);
circle.path.setAttribute('stroke-width', state.width);
var value = Math.round(circle.value() * 100);
if (value === 0) {
} else {
bar.animate( item.getAttribute('per') );
methods: {
_getProductList(data) {
for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
product.getIndexCategoryProductList( data[i].id ).then((res) => {
let lists = res.data.list.map( item => Object.assign(item,{
percent: item.amountNow / item.releaseAmount
prTitle: data[i].name,
lists: lists,
productCategoryId: data[i].id
components: {
CircleLoad: Circle*/
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&:hover {
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& > li {
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float: left;
width: 369px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
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h2 {
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font-weight: normal;
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a {
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font-weight: bold;
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a {
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