wordcount 运行失败 错误代码如下
C:UsersCrist>hadoop jar C:UsersCristDesktopwordword.jar WordCount /words /output
2018-01-12 15:02:26,229 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at /
2018-01-12 15:02:28,540 WARN mapreduce.JobResourceUploader: Hadoop command-line option parsing not performed. Implement the Tool interface and execute your application with ToolRunner to remedy this.
2018-01-12 15:02:28,644 INFO mapreduce.JobResourceUploader: Disabling Erasure Coding for path: /tmp/hadoop-yarn/staging/Crist/.staging/job_1515721675649_0001
2018-01-12 15:02:29,407 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input files to process : 2
2018-01-12 15:02:29,791 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: number of splits:2
2018-01-12 15:02:29,878 INFO Configuration.deprecation: yarn.resourcemanager.system-metrics-publisher.enabled is deprecated. Instead, use yarn.system-metrics-publisher.enabled
2018-01-12 15:02:30,641 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Submitting tokens for job: job_1515721675649_0001
2018-01-12 15:02:30,646 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Executing with tokens: []
2018-01-12 15:02:31,371 INFO conf.Configuration: resource-types.xml not found
2018-01-12 15:02:31,375 INFO resource.ResourceUtils: Unable to find 'resource-types.xml'.
2018-01-12 15:02:33,161 INFO impl.YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1515721675649_0001
2018-01-12 15:02:33,541 INFO mapreduce.Job: The url to track the job: http://LAPTOP-KDNIIMP8:8088/proxy/application_1515721675649_0001/
2018-01-12 15:02:33,543 INFO mapreduce.Job: Running job: job_1515721675649_0001
2018-01-12 15:02:46,812 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1515721675649_0001 running in uber mode : false
2018-01-12 15:02:46,816 INFO mapreduce.Job: map 0% reduce 0%
2018-01-12 15:02:46,899 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1515721675649_0001 failed with state FAILED due to: Application application_1515721675649_0001 failed 2 times due to AM Container for appattempt_1515721675649_0001_000002 exited with exitCode: 1
Failing this attempt.Diagnostics: [2018-01-12 15:02:45.951]Exception from container-launch.
Container id: container_1515721675649_0001_02_000001
Exit code: 1
Exception message: CreateSymbolicLink error (1314): ???????????
Shell output: 移动了 1 个文件。
"Setting up env variables"
"Setting up job resources"
[2018-01-12 15:02:45.959]Container exited with a non-zero exit code 1.
[2018-01-12 15:02:45.960]Container exited with a non-zero exit code 1.
For more detailed output, check the application tracking page: http://LAPTOP-KDNIIMP8:8088/cluster/app/application_1515721675649_0001 Then click on links to logs of each attempt.
. Failing the application.
2018-01-12 15:02:46,981 INFO mapreduce.Job: Counters: 0
有谁比较了解的,指点一下 感激不尽