<select id="getContractList" resultType="com.lqb.web.entity.Contract" parameterType="com.lqb.web.entity.Contract">
select a.id , a.contract_num,date_format(a.start_date,'%Y-%m-%d') AS startDate, date_format(a.end_date,'%Y-%m-%d') AS endDate,
date_format(a.rent_start_date,'%Y-%m-%d') AS rentStartDate,a.state,a.type,a.reson,
a.room_type as roomType,a.price as price ,a.remarks as remarks,a.create_date as createDate,a.create_by as createBy,a.pay_type1 as payType1,
a.pay_type2 as payType2,b.mansion_id as mansionId,b.`name` as ` rentRoom.name`,b.`area` as `rentRoom.area`,
c.`name` as `tenantry.name`,c.`contact` as `tenantry.contact`,c.`mobile` as `tenantry.mobile`,c.`company_type` as `tenantry.companyType`,c.`employee_count` as `tenantry.employeeCount`,
e.`name` as `letter.name`,e.`company_address` as `letter.companyAddress`,a.deposit,u.name AS createUser
FROM contract a
left JOIN rent_room b ON a.`id`=b.`contract_id`
left JOIN tenantry c ON a.`id`=c.`contract_id`
left JOIN letter e ON a.`id`=e.`contract_id`
left join user u on a.create_by = u.id
(c.state!=-1 OR c.state is NULL)
<if test="name != null">
AND a.name like #{name}
<if test="createBy != null">
and a.create_by = #{createBy}
<if test="mansionId!= null">
AND b.mansion_id = #{mansionId}
<if test="letter != null and letter.name != null and letter.name != ''">
and e.name like #{letter.name}
<if test="tenantry != null and tenantry.name != null and tenantry.name != ''">
and c.name like #{tenantry.name}
<if test="area != '' and area != null ">
and area = #{area}
<if test="minArea != '' and minArea != null and maxArea != '' and maxArea != null">
and b.area >= #{minArea}
AND b.area <= #{maxArea}
<if test="startDate != '' and startDate != null and endDate != '' and endDate != null">
and (DATE_FORMAT(a.start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(#{startDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(#{endDate}, '%Y-%m-%d')
OR DATE_FORMAT(a.end_date, '%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(#{startDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(#{endDate}, '%Y-%m-%d')
OR DATE_FORMAT(#{startDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(a.start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(a.end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
OR DATE_FORMAT(#{endDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(a.start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(a.end_date, '%Y-%m-%d'))
<if test="startDate == null and endDate != null">
AND DATE_FORMAT(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d') <= DATE_FORMAT(#{endDate}, '%Y-%m-%d')
<if test="chooseStartDate != '' and chooseStartDate != null and chooseEndDate != '' and chooseEndDate != null">
and (DATE_FORMAT(a.start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(#{chooseStartDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(#{chooseEndDate}, '%Y-%m-%d')
OR DATE_FORMAT(a.end_date, '%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(#{chooseStartDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(#{chooseEndDate}, '%Y-%m-%d')
OR DATE_FORMAT(#{chooseStartDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(a.start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(a.end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
OR DATE_FORMAT(#{chooseEndDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(a.start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(a.end_date, '%Y-%m-%d'))
<if test="payType1 != '' and payType1 != null ">
AND pay_type1 = #{payType1}
<if test="payType2 != '' and payType2 != null ">
AND pay_type2 = #{payType2}
<if test="roomType != '' and roomType != null ">
AND room_type = #{roomType}
<if test="mansionId != '' and mansionId != null ">
AND b.mansion_id = #{mansionId}
<if test="states != null">
AND a.state in <foreach item="item" collection="states" index="index" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{item}</foreach>
ORDER BY a.`create_date` DESC
Limit #{startPos},#{pageSize}

close 常用语where语句中,表示以什么结束,