{"downNum": 8, "exposeNum": 4296, "ctr": 0.19, "price": 6.6, "cost": 52.8, "ecpm": 12.29, "dt": 20180221}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/stephen/loading/Oppo/oppo.py", line 700, in <module>
File "/home/stephen/loading/Oppo/oppo.py", line 55, in login_in
File "/home/stephen/loading/Oppo/oppo.py", line 305, in Promotion_manage
self.report_list(manage_page_data[i], manage_page_data[i - 10 + 2 - 1],login_token_headers)
File "/home/stephen/loading/Oppo/oppo.py", line 673, in report_list
id3="select id from oppo_feeds_stat_total_report where account_id =%d and report_date='%s';"%((int)(account_id),report_date)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'select id from oppo_feeds_stat_ad_img_report where account_id =1000016702 and ad_id=256245;'
id = "select id from oppo_feeds_stat_ad_img_report where account_id =%d and ad_id=%d;"%((int)(account_id),(int)(ad_id[k]))
字面意义非常明确,无法转换为 int 类型。