create table t(
name varchar(20) not null,
age tinyint unsigned,
created_at datetime
) partition by range(month(created_at))(
partition p1 values less than(2),
partition p2 values less than(3),
partition p3 values less than(4),
partition p4 values less than(5),
partition p5 values less than(6),
partition p6 values less than(7),
partition p7 values less than(8),
partition p8 values less than(9),
partition p9 values less than(10),
partition p10 values less than(11),
partition p11 values less than(12),
partition p12 values less than(13)
select partition_name, PARTITION_DESCRIPTION, PARTITION_EXPRESSION, table_rows from information_schema.partitions where table_name = 't'
explain select * from t where created_at < '2018-04-01';
根据mysql文档:This type of optimization can be applied whenever the partitioning expression consists of an equality or a range which can be reduced to a set of equalities, or when the partitioning expression represents an increasing or decreasing relationship. Pruning can also be applied for tables partitioned on a DATE or DATETIME column when the partitioning expression uses the YEAR() or TO_DAYS() function. In addition, in MySQL 5.7, pruning can be applied for such tables when the partitioning expression uses the TO_SECONDS() function.
month() function不可以。