关于金融类 app提交审核
Regarding 3.2.1, please provide the following information.
- Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Finance Permit issued from the local finance governing authority (金融许可证).
- A copy of the Value Added Telecom Business Operation Permit issued by the local Ministry of Information Industry and Technology (从当地工信部获得的增值电信业务经营许可证).
We will not be able to continue with your review until all requested information are provided.
Best regards,
App Store Review
如上问题,1.金融许可证。 公司回应这个现在只有银行机构才会有。
我想知道,如果公司 增值电信业务经营许可证下来了。 没有 金融许可证。怎么回复apple才可以通审核? 你们是如何做的?