In c++, new and operator are both keywords. new int(x) is a(n) (new-)expression. operator new is a function. new operator in your title is new-expression indeed. new-expression will invoke oeprator new function.
placement new的作用就是在operator new分配好的内存上执行对象的构造, Yes, that's true. To help you understand, here is a sample:
char* ptr = new char[sizeof(T)]; // ptr use a new-expression(newchar [sizeof(T)] to allocate memory, char is guaranteed to be sizeof 1
T* tptr = new(ptr) T; // Here is placement new
In a nutshell, placement new will use already allocated memory to construct the object. Where is the already allocated memory from? Either from new expression(free store) or allocated from activation record like int buffer[10], both ok.
BTW, from the case int buffer[10], we can see pre-new-expression is not a must for placement new(however, note that placement new itself is a new-expression, which will invoke operator new function because all it does is just construct here). If your question is "will placement new always be after operator new/new-expression", it will be a good question.
One year ago, I was confused about how to combine operator new with the constructor then asked a question, FrankHB answered my question: Now, look back to this question, it is a X-Y question, what really confused me was how does new expression invoke constructor, so it is not related to placement new. Hope it will also inspire you.
Update again
所以我认为或许自己和您一年前的疑问相似,内存申请和构造函数这两个过程是如何结合的呢? the word combination(结合) is not properly now(I also make such mistake as said above), let me re-organize my wording:
new expression does two things:
allocate memory
initialization of the object
You and I(one year ago) are both confused about how does compiler initialize the object(via constructor or else) after allocating. Yes, I mentioned compiler, because C++ standard guarantee new will do the two things, but didn't how to, so, its compiler's work. So, it is not c++'s work, just compiler's. Now, we can see the assembly:
struct Foo
Foo(int i) {}
int main()
auto *a = new Foo(1);
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-8], rdi
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-12], esi
pop rbp
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rbx
sub rsp, 24
mov edi, 1
call operator new(unsigned long)
mov rbx, rax
mov esi, 1
mov rdi, rbx
call Foo::Foo(int)
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-24], rbx
mov eax, 0
add rsp, 24
pop rbx
pop rbp
is not anoperator
!In c++,
are both int(x)
is a(n) (new-)expression. operator new is a function. new operator in your title is new-expression indeed. new-expression will invoke oeprator new function.In a nutshell, placement new will use already allocated memory to construct the object. Where is the already allocated memory from? Either from new expression(free store) or allocated from
activation record
likeint buffer[10]
, both ok.Above is my answer to your questions
BTW, from the case
int buffer[10]
, we can see pre-new-expression is not a must for placement new(however, note that placement new itself is a new-expression, which will invoke operator new function because all it does is just construct here). If your question is "will placement new always be after operator new/new-expression", it will be a good question.Update
One year ago, I was confused about how to combine operator new with the constructor then asked a question, FrankHB answered my question: Now, look back to this question, it is a X-Y question, what really confused me was how does new expression invoke constructor, so it is not related to placement new. Hope it will also inspire you.
Update again
new expression does two things:
You and I(one year ago) are both confused about how does compiler initialize the object(via constructor or else) after allocating. Yes, I mentioned compiler, because C++ standard guarantee new will do the two things, but didn't how to, so, its compiler's work. So, it is not c++'s work, just compiler's. Now, we can see the assembly:
codes related the new expression is follows: a
Now, it is clear enough, right? assemble calls two procedures, oeprator new and Foo::Foo(int)
That's all, cheers!
So, your question is how the two combined?