* 最近在用vue仿写QQ音乐的web移动端,使用jsonp请求数据。在请求排行榜数据的时候Chrome报CORB拦截问题,具体的URL为
将链接写到script标签src 用safari 打开,会发现请求是返回了json格式数据,数据格式不是jsonp形式(callback(data))
json格式数据,在chrome 里面触发了Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB)链接描述 所以显示为
上文的链接:修改参数format=jsonp 即如下
使用这个链接会看到callback也用错了,再修改jsonpCallback = MusicJsonCallback 数据就正常返回了(通常是Callback等于__jp0,服务器端就会返回__jp0(data)形式,此处却不是,毕竟是别人的接口)。
(Cross-Origin Read Blocking,走过路过了解一下~~ 哈哈)
是浏览器的安全策略禁止了这个,防止跨域攻击啥的 参考 https://www.chromium.org/Home...
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) is a new web platform security feature that helps mitigate the threat of side-channel attacks (including Spectre). It is designed to prevent the browser from delivering certain cross-origin network responses to a web page, when they might contain sensitive information and are not needed for existing web features. For example, it will block a cross-origin text/html response requested from a <script> or <img> tag, replacing it with an empty response instead. This is an important part of the protections included with Site Isolation.
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