在### 问题描述
在/src/libs/tools.js 中定义了 judgeFileType 方法
在Upload组件的before-upload事件中调用了 judgeFileType 方法
Property or method "judgeFileType" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property.
1、直接调用 judgeFileType 会报错
2、在 judgeFileType 外层包一层 plugappBeforeUpload 函数,执行会正确运行
3、把tools中的 judgeFileType 移到vue组件中能正常运行
<Upload :before-upload="file=> judgeFileType(file,'crx')"> //报错
<Upload :before-upload="file=> plugappBeforeUpload(file,'crx')"> //正确运行
import { judgeFileType } from 'src/libs/tools'
plugappBeforeUpload (file, type) {
return judgeFileType(file, type)