// Java8可以把方法作为参数传递,但是 这个endOfWashing方法并没有返回线程对象啊?为什么可以编译通过呢?
代码如下,请看wash方法 下面那个参数this::endOfWashing :
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WashingMachine.class);
private final DelayProvider delayProvider;
private WashingMachineState washingMachineState;
public WashingMachine() {
this((interval, timeUnit, task) -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
* Creates a new instance of WashingMachine using provided delayProvider. This constructor is used only for
* unit testing purposes.
public WashingMachine(DelayProvider delayProvider) {
this.delayProvider = delayProvider;
this.washingMachineState = WashingMachineState.ENABLED;
public void wash() {
synchronized (this) {
LOGGER.info("{}: Actual machine state: {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), getWashingMachineState());
if (washingMachineState == WashingMachineState.WASHING) {
LOGGER.error("ERROR: Cannot wash if the machine has been already washing!");
washingMachineState = WashingMachineState.WASHING;
LOGGER.info("{}: Doing the washing", Thread.currentThread().getName());
this.delayProvider.executeAfterDelay(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, this::endOfWashing);
* Method responsible of ending the washing
* by changing machine state
public synchronized void endOfWashing() {
washingMachineState = WashingMachineState.ENABLED;
LOGGER.info("{}: Washing completed.", Thread.currentThread().getId());
* An interface to simulate delay while executing some work.
public interface DelayProvider {
void executeAfterDelay(long interval, TimeUnit timeUnit, Runnable task);