<denounce_inquisitor_base_chance float="35.0"/> <denounce_priest_base_chance float="33.0"/> <denounce_attack_modifier float="1.0"/> <denounce_defence_modifier float="1.0"/> <denounce_chance_min int="5"/> <denounce_chance_max int="95"/> <denounce_heretic_attemp_modifier float="1.5"/> <denounce_character_attemp_modifier float="0.5"/> <assassinate_base_chance float="33"/> <assassinate_attack_modifier float="0.5"/> <assassinate_defence_modifier float="0.5"/> <assassinate_public_modifier float="1.0"/> <assassinate_personal_modifier float="1.0"/> <assassinate_counter_spy_modifier float="1.0"/> <assassinate_agent_modifier float="4.0"/> <assassinate_own_region_modifier float="1.0"/> <assassinate_assassinate_attr_modifier float="0.33"/> <assassinate_chance_min int="5"/> <assassinate_chance_max int="95"/> <acquisition_base_chance float="40.0"/> <acquisition_level_modifier float="5.0"/> <acquisition_attack_trade_rights_modifier float="1.3"/> <acquisition_defence_trade_rights_modifier float="0.7"/> <acquisition_chance_min int="5"/> <acquisition_chance_max int="95"/> <inquisitor_crt_heresy_divisor float="1.0"/> <inquisitor_crt_pfp_modifier float="0.5"/> <inquisitor_crt_pfp_modifier_min float="0.0"/> <inquisitor_crt_pfp_modifier_max float="1.0"/> <inquisitor_crt_chance_min float="0.0"/> <inquisitor_crt_chance_max float="0.1"/> <spy_base_chance float="40.0"/> <!-- base spying chance --> <spy_level_modifier float="0.15"/> <!-- modifies the amount the subterfuge rating of a spy affects chance of success
<not_spy_level_modifier float="0.5"/> <!-- modifies the chance of success if spying object not a spy --> <spy_public_modifier float="1.0"/> <!-- inversely modifies the amount the public security aspects of the target affects
chance of success -->
<spy_counter_spy_modifier float="1.0"/> <!-- inversely modifies the amount the combined subterfuge rating with the target
affects chance of success -->
<spy_distance_modifier float="1.0"/> <!-- inversely modifies the amount the distance in movement points from the target
affects chance of success -->
<spy_secret_agent_target_modifier float="0.5"/> <!-- modifies the chance of success if an assassin or spy is travelling with a
target army -->
<spy_sedentary_turns_modifier float="0.2"/> <!-- modifies the amount of turns a target has been stationary affects chance of
success -->
<spy_alliance_modifier float="1.5"/> <!-- modifies the chance of success if the target is allied with spy faction --> <spy_target_engaged_modifier float="2.0"/> <!-- modifies the chance of success if target is in engagement, under siege or
battle -->
<spy_in_settlement_modifier float="5.0"/> <!-- modifies the chance of success if spy in settlement they are spying on --> <spy_watchtower_modifier float="2.5"/> <!-- modifies the chance of success if spying object is a watchtower --> <spy_in_own_region_modifier float="1.2"/> <!-- modifies the chance of success if spy in in their own factions region --> <spy_chance_min int="5"/> <!-- min clamp for spy chance --> <spy_chance_max int="95"/> <!-- max clamp for spy chance --> <spy_rescale_chance bool="false"/> <!-- flag to indicate if the final chance is non-linearly rescaled to improve
spying chance of success --> </agents>