
create table a1
        id int(11) not null,
        name varchar(32) not null,
        age int(11) not null,
        INDEX (id,name)
A.    select * from a1 where name = ‘Jack’;
B.    select * from a1 where name != ‘Jack’;
C.    select * from a1 where id = 1 and name like ‘J%’;
D.   select * from a1 where id <> 1


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3 个回答

真正索引有效的只有 C, 不知你的题是出自何处, 更有可能的是题目搞错了.

AB 完全用不到联合索引,因为索引是按记录顺序查找到的,name 在 id 后面, 无法不查 id 直接用 name查询.


create table a1(
        id int(11) not null, 
        name varchar(32) not null, 
        age int(11) not null, 
        INDEX (id,name) 

insert into a1 (id, name, age) values(1,"Jack",29),(10, "test1", 10),(20,"test2",20),(30,"test3", 30),(40,"ddd",40),(50,"Jack",29);

insert into a1 select id+1, name, age from a1;
insert into a1 select id+1, name, age from a1;
insert into a1 select id+1, name, age from a1;
insert into a1 select id+1, name, age from a1;
insert into a1 select id+1, name, age from a1;
insert into a1 select id+1, name, age from a1;
insert into a1 select id+1, name, age from a1;
insert into a1 select id+1, name, age from a1;
select count(*) from a1;


explain select * from a1 where name = 'Jack'; 
explain select * from a1 where name != 'Jack'; 
explain select * from a1 where id = 1 and name like 'J%'; 
explain select * from a1 where id <> 1;
explain select * from a1 where age <> 1;

作为比较, 可以看一下下面的结果

explain select name from a1 where name = 'Jack'; 
explain select name from a1 where name != 'Jack'; 
explain select name from a1 where id = 1 and name like 'J%'; 
explain select name from a1 where id <> 1;
explain select name from a1 where age <> 1;

如查返回结果type=ALL则意味着全表扫描, 有无索引已没太大意义.


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