[root@9b8e691f08dc stephen]# cd ./redis-5.0-rc4
[root@9b8e691f08dc redis-5.0-rc4]# ls
00-RELEASENOTES BUGS CONTRIBUTING COPYING INSTALL MANIFESTO Makefile README.md deps redis.conf runtest runtest-cluster runtest-sentinel sentinel.conf src tests utils
[root@9b8e691f08dc redis-5.0-rc4]# cd ./src/
[root@9b8e691f08dc src]# ls
Makefile aof.c cluster.o defrag.o geohash.c lazyfree.c memtest.o pqsort.o rdb.o redis-trib.rb sds.o slowlog.h t_set.c ziplist.h
Makefile.dep aof.o config.c dict.c geohash.h lazyfree.o mkreleasehdr.sh pubsub.c redis-benchmark redisassert.h sdsalloc.h slowlog.o t_set.o ziplist.o
adlist.c asciilogo.h config.h dict.h geohash.o listpack.c module.c pubsub.o redis-benchmark.c redismodule.h sentinel.c solarisfixes.h t_stream.c zipmap.c
adlist.h atomicvar.h config.o dict.o geohash_helper.c listpack.h module.o quicklist.c redis-benchmark.o release.c sentinel.o sort.c t_stream.o zipmap.h
adlist.o bio.c crc16.c endianconv.c geohash_helper.h listpack.o modules quicklist.h redis-check-aof release.h server.c sort.o t_string.c zipmap.o
ae.c bio.h crc16.o endianconv.h geohash_helper.o listpack_malloc.h multi.c quicklist.o redis-check-aof.c release.o server.h sparkline.c t_string.o zmalloc.c
ae.h bio.o crc64.c endianconv.o help.h localtime.c multi.o rand.c redis-check-aof.o replication.c server.o sparkline.h t_zset.c zmalloc.h
ae.o bitops.c crc64.h evict.c hyperloglog.c localtime.o networking.c rand.h redis-check-rdb replication.o setproctitle.c sparkline.o t_zset.o zmalloc.o
ae_epoll.c bitops.o crc64.o evict.o hyperloglog.o lzf.h networking.o rand.o redis-check-rdb.c rio.c setproctitle.o stream.h testhelp.h
ae_evport.c blocked.c db.c expire.c intset.c lzfP.h notify.c rax.c redis-check-rdb.o rio.h sha1.c syncio.c util.c
ae_kqueue.c blocked.o db.o expire.o intset.h lzf_c.c notify.o rax.h redis-cli rio.o sha1.h syncio.o util.h
ae_select.c childinfo.c debug.c fmacros.h intset.o lzf_c.o object.c rax.o redis-cli.c scripting.c sha1.o t_hash.c util.o
anet.c childinfo.o debug.o geo.c latency.c lzf_d.c object.o rax_malloc.h redis-cli.o scripting.o siphash.c t_hash.o valgrind.sup
anet.h cluster.c debugmacro.h geo.h latency.h lzf_d.o pqsort.c rdb.c redis-sentinel sds.c siphash.o t_list.c version.h
anet.o cluster.h defrag.c geo.o latency.o memtest.c pqsort.h rdb.h redis-server sds.h slowlog.c t_list.o ziplist.c
[root@9b8e691f08dc src]# make test
You need tcl 8.5 or newer in order to run the Redis test
make: *** [test] Error 1
[root@9b8e691f08dc src]# rpm -qa|grep tcl
[root@9b8e691f08dc src]# make test
You need tcl 8.5 or newer in order to run the Redis test
make: *** [test] Error 1
我明明装了tcl 8.5 版本以上的,为啥总报错这个?