docker 里面的centos容器装redis 的报错 tcl

[root@9b8e691f08dc stephen]# cd ./redis-5.0-rc4
[root@9b8e691f08dc redis-5.0-rc4]# ls
00-RELEASENOTES  BUGS  CONTRIBUTING  COPYING  INSTALL  MANIFESTO  Makefile  deps  redis.conf  runtest  runtest-cluster  runtest-sentinel  sentinel.conf  src  tests  utils
[root@9b8e691f08dc redis-5.0-rc4]# cd ./src/
[root@9b8e691f08dc src]# ls
Makefile      aof.c        cluster.o     defrag.o      geohash.c         lazyfree.c         memtest.o        pqsort.o      rdb.o              redis-trib.rb  sds.o           slowlog.h       t_set.c       ziplist.h
Makefile.dep  aof.o        config.c      dict.c        geohash.h         lazyfree.o  pubsub.c      redis-benchmark    redisassert.h  sdsalloc.h      slowlog.o       t_set.o       ziplist.o
adlist.c      asciilogo.h  config.h      dict.h        geohash.o         listpack.c         module.c         pubsub.o      redis-benchmark.c  redismodule.h  sentinel.c      solarisfixes.h  t_stream.c    zipmap.c
adlist.h      atomicvar.h  config.o      dict.o        geohash_helper.c  listpack.h         module.o         quicklist.c   redis-benchmark.o  release.c      sentinel.o      sort.c          t_stream.o    zipmap.h
adlist.o      bio.c        crc16.c       endianconv.c  geohash_helper.h  listpack.o         modules          quicklist.h   redis-check-aof    release.h      server.c        sort.o          t_string.c    zipmap.o
ae.c          bio.h        crc16.o       endianconv.h  geohash_helper.o  listpack_malloc.h  multi.c          quicklist.o   redis-check-aof.c  release.o      server.h        sparkline.c     t_string.o    zmalloc.c
ae.h          bio.o        crc64.c       endianconv.o  help.h            localtime.c        multi.o          rand.c        redis-check-aof.o  replication.c  server.o        sparkline.h     t_zset.c      zmalloc.h
ae.o          bitops.c     crc64.h       evict.c       hyperloglog.c     localtime.o        networking.c     rand.h        redis-check-rdb    replication.o  setproctitle.c  sparkline.o     t_zset.o      zmalloc.o
ae_epoll.c    bitops.o     crc64.o       evict.o       hyperloglog.o     lzf.h              networking.o     rand.o        redis-check-rdb.c  rio.c          setproctitle.o  stream.h        testhelp.h
ae_evport.c   blocked.c    db.c          expire.c      intset.c          lzfP.h             notify.c         rax.c         redis-check-rdb.o  rio.h          sha1.c          syncio.c        util.c
ae_kqueue.c   blocked.o    db.o          expire.o      intset.h          lzf_c.c            notify.o         rax.h         redis-cli          rio.o          sha1.h          syncio.o        util.h
ae_select.c   childinfo.c  debug.c       fmacros.h     intset.o          lzf_c.o            object.c         rax.o         redis-cli.c        scripting.c    sha1.o          t_hash.c        util.o
anet.c        childinfo.o  debug.o       geo.c         latency.c         lzf_d.c            object.o         rax_malloc.h  redis-cli.o        scripting.o    siphash.c       t_hash.o        valgrind.sup
anet.h        cluster.c    debugmacro.h  geo.h         latency.h         lzf_d.o            pqsort.c         rdb.c         redis-sentinel     sds.c          siphash.o       t_list.c        version.h
anet.o        cluster.h    defrag.c      geo.o         latency.o         memtest.c          pqsort.h         rdb.h         redis-server       sds.h          slowlog.c       t_list.o        ziplist.c
[root@9b8e691f08dc src]# make test
You need tcl 8.5 or newer in order to run the Redis test
make: *** [test] Error 1
[root@9b8e691f08dc src]# rpm -qa|grep tcl
[root@9b8e691f08dc src]# make test
You need tcl 8.5 or newer in order to run the Redis test
make: *** [test] Error 1

我明明装了tcl 8.5 版本以上的,为啥总报错这个?

阅读 1.8k
1 个回答
  • 你用的是centos 精简版镜像? 你看下是否少了which 命令,如果是,建议把which装上试试
  • 另外,官方的资料显示,redis本身编译并不依赖Tcl,只是单元测试时用到,直接编译安装,应该也是可以的
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