安装go的依赖管理器dev , hack on dep 是什么意思?
If you want to 【hack on dep】, you can install via go get:
go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
Note that dep requires a functioning Go workspace and GOPATH. If you're unfamiliar with Go workspaces and GOPATH, have a look at the language documentation and get your local workspace set up. Dep's model could lead to being able to work without GOPATH, but we're not there yet.
我提到 hack,主要是指这是一种奇淫巧技,非标准做法。题主提的 hack on dep 应该是类似意思,Go 1.11 中已经支持了 go module,而 dep 是之前流行的依赖管理方式,应该会逐渐淘汰,但还可以体验下,只是并不推荐。